Double the Trouble

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As of right now, I was sitting at the dining table. Everybody was here.

Yes, you heard me right. Everybody.

The table was sort of separated. One half had the Italians, and the other had the Russians. Me? I was directly in the middle, nobody across from me. Everybody was glaring daggers at one another. The food remained untouched, tension thick in the air. Francesco suddenly cleared his throat, grabbing everybody's attention.

"Verity. I would like to apologize for my actions. They were reckless and I was not thinking clearly. Please excuse my actions, they were reckless but you must understand I was feeling angry hearing my own daughter call somebody else her father. I was furious and I'm sure your mother and brothers were too, calling these people," He spat out the word as if it was poison, "But we had reason. I took it too far and I apologize. But you must never  run off like that again -- and when you leave the house you have to tell us where you are going! Or pick up your phone or -- or- let me know that you are okay." He finished off in an exasperated tone, then added in a voice so quiet I had to strain my ears to hear it, "I was so worried about you."

Suddenly, an uneasy feeling came over me. He was worried? I started to feel bad. Yes. I know. I'm supposed to hate him, hate all of them, but I can't bring myself to at this moment. Looking around at everybody's defeated and exhausted faces, I took note of the eye bags they bore and the many puffy red eyes around their side of the table. My eyes widened. Did they cry? Did they even all?

I was deep in thought before answering. Although he was reckless, he apologized and that was what I needed. "I understand. I will not forgive you but I am giving you a chance to redeem yourself. What you said about me, about my family, was not okay. I do not tolerate any disrespect towards my family. You hurt them, with your words.. and your fists." I tried not to laugh as I looked at all the bruised faces staring at me, I shouldn't laugh...but they all looked pretty goofy.

Francesco's face relaxed and he looked like he was relieved. Andrea and the boys also looked relieved, but still slightly tense. I guess they realized they have to apologize too.

"I'm really sorry. I was wrong for it and I didn't mean to hurt you." Enzo started, his usually cold demeanor put down and he looked at me with pleading eyes. I nodded my head in his direction.

"Yea, I apologize." Emilio muttered.

"Sorry." Matteo huffed out, but he didn't sound too sorry.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad." Leonardo said with a frown.

"I'm so so so sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you, I'll buy you tubs and tubs of ice cream, I promise." Lorenzo said with sad eyes. 

"I apologize my love. I supported your father through his idea of bringing the Volkov's over, and I shouldn't have. It was a horrible idea. I should have supported you and defended you." Andrea said in a quiet tone. My eyes softened towards her. Sure, I've been a bitch to her, but in this moment there was so many emotions going through me; one of them being pity. 

Everybody looked to Valentino expectantly. He raised an eyebrow. "What? I'm not apologizing. I did nothing wrong?" He said and looked to me.

Matteo scoffed. "Yea right, you fought too!"

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