I'm sorry

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I woke up with a throbbing headache. I held my head and groaned, sitting up. Just how much did I have to drink last night?

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, realizing I was not in my bedroom, but rather the couch in my office. A blanket was draped over me. I frowned in confusion, my eyes setting on the glass of water with two pills and a note on the table in front of me.

I put the pills in my mouth after inspecting them, chugging it down with water. I then picked up the  note and read it quickly.

Hi, Francesco.

I came to talk to you but you were wasted. So, here you go because I know you're going to have a horrible hangover. Come to my room when you're ready, I still need to apologize for my actions properly, not when you're drunk and won't even remember anything.


I sighed as small parts and memories from last night came in my mind. She held me over the toilet, my daughter saw me drunk. And not a good drunk, a bad drunk. Does that even make sense?

Not even my eldest son has ever seen me in a bad drunken state. I've always been cautious around my children, so that they don't see me like that, so now I felt guilty. My own daughter saw me like that and had to take care of me.

I noticed my office was much cleaner. Did she clean it for me? I groaned and put my head in my hands.

I was so ashamed. I lashed out on my daughter. When she was literally lying on a hospital bed, telling me things that proved a fair point and were mostly true.

I just got angry. So angry that my daughter didn't see me as her father. Angry that she saw somebody else as her dad, angry that she was hugging that stupid Russian assassin boy and was more comfortable around him than she has been around us the past weeks.

And now I was angry that I let myself yell at my baby like that. Angry that I told her she wasn't my family. Angry that I let those words spill out, angry that I didn't apologize as soon as I saw the hurt in her eyes.

I sighed once again and went to my bedroom to take a shower. After freshening up, I looked in the mirror. Shit, my daughter saw me like this? I probably looked worse then, too.

My eyes were red and puffy. Somehow my stubble seemed to be thicker and there was deep, dark circles under my eyes. I sighed and got my suit on, after shaving my beard into a slight stubble and putting eye drops in. My phone buzzed so I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"..Mr. Moretti? Uhm.. you need to show up to the school. Your child, well- there was a problem. See-"

I cut off the person on the other line of the phone, "I'll be there in 10 minutes."

I hung up the phone and made my way to the garage. My idiot sons can't fucking go one day without making trouble, huh?

I zoomed to the school and burst through the doors. I barged into the principals office, clearly irritated.

"Now what did my idiot son do, I swear to god if I got pulled out of work because of some stupid shit-" I started but stopped as my eyes roamed the room, my gaze falling on the girl before me.

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