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I walked towards the black Dodge Challenger parked outside my house. My brothers, Maxim, Alexei, and Andrei were all sitting in the car.

They weren't really my biological brothers, but I see them as my brothers. One night, I was about 7 years old when I got thrown out the house by John- my adoptive father. I walked to the park, where Maxim found me. He was 11 at the time. He saw my face, black and blue, bleeding, and he immediately brought me home. His father, Mikael Volkov, cleaned up my cuts. He gave me fresh food and water, clothes, and let me stay the night.
From that day on, I went to their house everyday after school and stayed with them. Me and Maxim became close, and he introduced me to his best friends- Alexei and Andrei, who were siblings, and right away we were all attached by the hips.

When I was 10, I found out that Mikael was the leader of the Russian mafia. I wasn't scared- quite the opposite. Mikael had become so close to me, I called him dad. He was my dad. He gave me shelter, food, took care of me. The day I called him dad for the first time, it was right after he explained to me about the mafia. He cried on the spot, embracing me in a hug. I was his daughter from that day on- and Maxims sister. He was happy to find out I could be called his sister, even though we weren't really related at all. Alexei and Andrei soon started calling me their sister, too. When they turned 18 they became assassins for the Russian Mafia, and Maxim was being trained to take over the mafia at the age of 15. I still go over as much as I can, and honestly, they really are my family. The closest thing I have to family.

I smiled as I got into the car's front seat.
"Hey loser!" Maxim embraced me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Holy shit, dude, you're going to kill her-" Alexei started, but Andrei had already smacked Maxim on the head.

"Chill, man, you're going to suffocate our beloved sister." Andrei chuckled.

Maxim rolled his eyes and let go of me as I grinned. "You okay?" He asked, smiling back at me.

"I'm fine. John was sleeping when I left, but he was pretty drunk last night. Wasn't that bad, but whatever." I murmured.

"I don't get why you don't report him. You know, dad would legally adopt you in a heartbeat." Maxim frowned.

"Max, I want to. I'm just scared. Besides, three more years, and I can leave. Just three years." I sighed, rubbing my temples with my hand.

Andrei huffed in the backseat. They've been trying to get me to report John for years, and they haven't done it themselves because they respect my boundaries that much. They've been pretty close to killing them, though- which is worse.


Maxim started the car and we made way to my school. The three of them picked me up to drop me off at school everyday, and dropped me off at home everyday after they pick me up. I always go to Maxims house after school for a few hours, though.
The rest of the car ride was Alexei and Maxim bickering, leading Andrei to smack them both upside their heads, and me laughing my ass off- they're the only ones who can make me laugh, really.

As we pulled up outside the school, NLA, I sighed. I personally hated school. I got out the car but Maxim rolled down his window and did something I was going to murder him for later-

"GOODBYE SIS! DO NOT FAIL YOUR CLASSES! WE LOVE YOUU!" He screamed out the window, causing many heads to turn in our direction. I stopped in my tracks and turned to him, sending a deadly glare as he simply just stuck his tongue out.

I then stuck up the middle finger at him and ran into the building as the bell rang for first block. I quickly made my way into my maths class, where my  teacher- Mr. Anderson - yelled at me for being late.

I slept through my classes and it was finally lunch. I sat in the corner table when my eyes got covered by two pairs of hands from behind me.

"Guess who!!" Squealed the voice of one of my best friends, Maya.


"Wow, thank you very much. Anyways, have you heard the news about Jack and Marianna? They broke up! Now I have a chance with.." she babbled on about other peoples love lives, and how she wished she had a boyfriend.

In all honesty, I didn't know how she didn't have one. She was so beautiful- soft blonde hair and hazel eyes, with beautiful, clear, tan skin. She had a perfect body, too, and amazing personality.

Derek, my other best friend, plopped himself into the chair next to me. "I totally am flunking math." He announced to us.

"We know that already, you stupid fucker, I asked you for answers on the homework and what grade did I get? A 30 fucking percent." Maya snapped at him.

Me and Maya laughed, causing Derek to glare at us as the announcements turned on.

"May Verity Johnson please report to the front office. Verity Johnson, please report to the front office."

Well, shit.

There was a collection of "ooooohs" around the cafeteria as I got up, shrugging at Derek and Maya.

"I don't think I did anything wrong." I muttered.

"It's fine, it's probably nothing," Derek reassured me, but his face was wary.

I made my way to the front office, where the lady at the desk told me to enter the principals office. Fuck.

I walked in, and my eyes widened as I saw a police officer and a formal-looking woman standing in the corner and the principal sitting at his desk with a sorrow look on his face.

"Uhm, Principal Addams?" I knocked on the door lightly.

"Ah, yes, Verity. Please take a seat. I have some unfortunate news." He muttered, running his hands through his now messy hair.

I sat at the chair across from him, my heart practically pounding out of  my chest.

"Verity, your father committed suicide this morning at 9:43 A.M."

What. The. Fuck.
Word count: 1061



Anyway !!!!

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