1- Who is she?

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Fred's POV

I sat with George and Lee at the Gryffindor table, as we all shoved our potatos into our mouths. Although they were good, nothing compared to how my mother made potatos at home. I was starting to miss the burrow. I felt lonely a lot of the time, especially now that George had found himself a girlfriend, and Lee was constantly napping.

"So, George, how was your date last night with Alicia?" Lee asked, and I complained in my head. Sure, I was happy for the two, and Alicia was a great girl, but she was constantly distracting George to the point where he would ditch our pranking plans to go hang out with her by the lake or in Hogsmeade.

"So good. I'm madly in love with her," George said, staring at the other end of the table and waving at her. "Fred, when are you going to get a girlfriend?" He asked me, making my eyes widen.

"Oh... uh..." I said, taking a second to finish chewing and swallowing the big mouthful I had taken. "I don't know, none of the girls here have caught my eye-" I started, until accidentally glancing over at the Slytherin table and making eye contact with a girl I hadn't seen before. She had long dark brown hair that was nearly black, that was perfectly waved. It looked natural. I couldn't see what color her eyes were since she was too far away, but when our eyes locked for a second, I felt like I forgot how to speak. Her skin was tan and smooth, and her lips were a beautiful shade of red, although I could tell she had no lipstick on. After our eye contact, she looked back at her group of friends, and continued talking to them.

"Earth to Fred!!" Lee shouted, waving his arms in front of my face. I zoned back in.

"Sorry, sorry," I said, noticing George and Lee's faces of confusion.

"What were you looking at?" Lee asked me.

"More like who are you looking at," George mumbled under his breath.

"N-no one. Do either of you know who that one slytherin girl is?" I asked, looking back at the girl who was still talking to her friends. She was sitting beside Draco Malfoy, laughing with the other Slytherins.

"So you were looking at someone." George said, nearly laughing.

"Who is she?" I asked George who was once again stuffing his face full with food.

"That's Mila Lockhart. No one knows much about her, she keeps a lot to herself." He said. I continued to stare at her as she talked to Pansy, Blaise, and Draco.

"She's cute," I said.

"And scary," Lee quipped. "Trust me, you don't want to know her."

"How bad could she possibly be?" I asked, finally looking away from the girl since it felt creepy.

"You'd be surprised." he said. I shrugged, and went back to eating, completely blocking out Lee and George's conversation for the rest of dinner as I thought of Mila.

- - -

Mila's POV

"Blaise, stop talking about her." Pansy said, rolling her eyes. "We get it, you think Luna is pretty. But she's weird."

"Says you," Blaise whispered under his breath. It was clear that Pansy didn't hear him, but Draco and I sure did and bit our lips trying not to laugh.

My eyes started to wander as the group talked, and I locked eyes with a ginger boy on the Gryffindor table. After a second I got uncomfortable and looked away. Draco noticed that something was up when I stayed silent for a while.

"Mila, what's going on?" He whispered into my ear.

"Who's that ginger boy over there?" I asked, sneaking one more glance, and I'm sure a look of disgust spread over my face.

"Which one?" he asked, looking at me as if I were crazy. "they're twins. you've got to be more specific."

"The one with the rounder face." I said, getting back to my food. "In the blue sweater."

"That's Fred, I believe. A Weasley." He said, rolling his eyes. "Why?"

"He was looking at me..." I said, looking down at my plate and refusing to eat more, as I had gotten full.

"A lot of guys look at you. Get used to it," Draco said. I laughed at him, knowing it was true. I had locked eyes with many boys before.

"Can you two stop whispering?" Blaise asked, hitting Draco on the shoulder. Draco glared at him, and pulled his wand out pointing it at Blaise.

"Don't make me turn you into a toad." He threatened. "Don't you dare touch me."

Fred's POV

After dinner, the boys and I went back to our dorm. Lee went directly to his bed, and threw his head onto his pillow, and George kicked back onto his bed. I sat down on mine, still thinking about Mila.


"What's up, Fred?"

"How would you get a girl's attention?" I asked. "Like, how did you get Alicia's attention so easily?"

"Oh, so suddenly there's a girl when just over an hour ago you said 'no girls at this school have really caught my eye'" George said, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I turned away before I could give myself away with my smile.

"Just answer the question." I sighed.

"Wait-" Lee interrupted right as George opened his mouth to answer. "Don't tell us that it's that girl Mila."

I didn't say anything.

"Fred... Answer us..." George said, his sly smile dropping as he sat up from his bed to stare at me intensely.

"OKAY, OKAY, yes, it's Mila! But I mean, have you seen her? She's practically Aphrodite!" I said, throwing my hands in the air.

"Fred, you're screwed." George said. "If you can get her to like you, I will give you all my savings and let you control my life for a year."

"I'm going to get her to like me." I said, mostly to myself.

"Good luck with that," Lee said, giving a short laugh afterwards. One of those laughs someone gives you when they think you're ridiculous.

Maybe I was ridiculous. I'd never even spoken to this girl. Nevertheless, I knew she was the one I wanted. Mila Lockhart.

Even her name was beautiful.

That One Slytherin Girl | Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now