"Don't really have one. I just saw you and came to rescue you. The rest didn't really matter at that time. Kind of wished I thought things through now."

I narrowed my eyes at him and gave him a dry look. Then I looked at where he was looking and realized that both Cam and Alex were going at each other. Their men shooting bullets into each other. Already several bodies laid on the floor. The good thing was that they weren't targeting us at the moment.

We just had to make it across the living room to the other side where Cam and his men where. But we had to cross the sea of fire and hoped we didn't get struck.

"On the count of three." I whispered as I held on to his hand and squeezed it.


The bullets continued to fly across the room and one ended up hitting one of Alex's man who had been standing besides me. He fell to the floor with a bloody hole in his left eye. I looked away repulsed.


My heart pulsed.

"Three!" I bolted through the sea, meeting Cams eyes who had two guns in his hands and was firing quickly.

"Behind me!" He yelled at me as he shot anyone down that tried to cross our paths. I ran behind him and ran out the entrance. I watched as he continued to shoot as he walked backwards and then once we were outside we made a run for it. The rest of his men followed. Bullets hit the ground besides our feet as we desperately tried to make it to the black cars parked out in front of the mansion.

"Fuck!" I heard a familiar voice curse out in pain and I looked to my right and realized James had been running besides me. He grabbed his left arm in pain, but continued to run.

"They got my left arm." He breathed out as we reached the black Range Rover. Cam opened the door and quickly shoved me inside followed by James and then he got into the seat next to me.

"Drive!" He yelled at the driver.

And then something unraveled before my eyes.

"Wait!" I shot up from the back seat looking inside the car. Then I pressed my forehead on the cool window and looked through the heavy tinted window.

All of Cam's men where in their cars and had the engine on. They were just waiting for Cam to leave so that they could follow.

"Where's Nate?" I breathed out wiping the sweat of my forehead and looked around me exasperated.

Cam leaned in, his hand outstretched towards me, something sad and blue pooled in his eyes. I looked back at him confused, my eyes trying to decipher the look he was giving me. "Lilith... " He swallowed hard," He didn't make it out." He finally said.

"What? No. He was literally just behind me..." I whispered back at him with a skeptic look, but his look didn't change.

Finally I broke. "No! Just no!" I repeated and allowed my emotions to take over. "I'm going back for him!" I pushed Cam away and threw the car door open and sprung through the front entrance not caring whether I got shot. I heard Cam's heavy footsteps as he ran after me calling my name, but I was too caught up in the scene in front of me.

The siblings had left. I didn't see their bodies lying around so they must have escaped. The mansion had been trashed. Havoc had rained down it along with dead bodies everywhere. I wiped away heavy tears and sniffed as I ran my eyes across the room.

And in the mists of despair, I found him.

I screamed a screeching blood curling scream that made my throat ache, but even then I continued to scream.

Cam's arms found me, but I pushed him away and ran over to the boy in the white t-shirt with a red stain on it who laid on the floor.

I fell to my knees as the tears fell down.

"You idiot! I told you this was dangerous!" I cried out as grabbed the limp head and placed it on my knees.

I heard the noise of blood gurgled out and soft grunts. Green eyes opened and looked up at me like I was their world.

"I lied. This was nothing like COD." He whispered out as blood flooded down those red stained lips.

"Shhh don't talk." I whispered to him barley able to hold back a cry and I wiped away the blood from his lips.

"Call an ambulance!" I yelled out behind my shoulder not sure who I was talking to.

One of his cold hands managed to grasp on to my own. He squeezed it right as he swallowed a hard lump. His green eyes twinkled as they looked at me as if he wasn't dying before my eyes.

"I'm dying Lilith..."

"No, please no."I begged, refusing to give into his words as I held his hand for dear life.

Surprisingly, he still held much strength and with his other hand he grabbed a fistful of my hair and brought my forehead down to touch his.

"No, listen!" He bit out with clenched teeth, blood spilling from his mouth,"I don't have much time left. I just want to tell you that...that I love you and I don't regret anything...Also, please tell my dad I love him. I love that old man so fucking much..." I could see the adoration in his green eyes as he spoke,"and molly, tell her I'm sorry I didn't make it. But most importantly, I love you and dad,
don't forget that. I'm happy I got to meet you, and I'm happy I died for you...best fucking way to go."

I'm happy I died for you...

No, he wasn't going to die.
My heart could not go through that pain. But it did. It felt like someone had dug their nails into my chest and ripped out my heart, and torn it to pieces. Like someone had dropped a giant boulder on my chest. It crushed me, and made it hard for me to breath. It was the worst possible feeling ever, and I never wanted to feel
it again.

His eyes fluttered close and he was barely able to speak out the last words.

"I love you too, Nate. I freaking adore you." I cried out and pulled him in for a kiss. His cold lips moved softly against mine like they had always moved. They showed me love like no other. Blood spilled from his mouth into mine, but I didn't care. This is how he tasted and forever I would cherish his taste. I continued to kiss him a bloody kiss until his cold lips stopped moving, his hand stopped squeezing mine, and his heart stopped beating.

Lilith lived today. But Nathaniel died.


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