chapter three

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Joshua was regretting this. Every year he regrets his choices more.

Why did he have to major in business why couldn't he just choice something with music. And every year he got the same reply it was because of this bitch beside him.

Beside him jeonghan was fast asleep not worrying about a single thing the professor was saying while Joshua was having a mental break . But before he could start crying out of frustration the professor dismissed the class.

"Hani wake up the class is over " Joshua said while slightly shaking jeonghan.

Jeonghan woke up as he was a light sleeper.

"Already?! how long had i been asleep?" jeonghan asked getting up and stretching his limbs.

"You fell asleep as soon as the class started so about 1 hour " Joshua replied as he was collecting his things.

"Lets go eat something im hungry " jeonghan said running out of the class.

Joshua just shook his head and followed him.

They reached the cafeteria not finding any of their friends there . So they decided to get the food for all of them.

"I can't find an empty table here why the fuck is everyone so hungry at this time" jeonghan said being annoyed.

Joshua was trying to look for a table as well when he heard his name being called out.

"Shua hyung "

He turned around to see Seokmin coming towards him. Besides him stood mingyu as soon as he saw jeonghan he send him a glare.

And of course it wouldn't be jeonghan if he didn't do the same.

Joshua just decided to ignore the two and focus on seokmin.

"Hyung how was your day " Seokmin asked while smiling.

"My day ? It was horrible my classes just made me regret every decision I've ever taken in life"

"I would say mood but i slept through out all of it " jeonghan added to Joshua's statement.

"No one asked you.. why do you need to talk when the question wasn't for you clearly " mingyu said to jeonghan.

"Mingyu-ya ever heard of something called mind your own godamn business "
Jeonghan replied with sass.

"Just ignore these two" Joshua said to Seokmin who was staring at the bickering duo.

He look at Joshua reached out into the bag he was holding and took out a pack of chocolate milk.

"Here hyung it's nothing much but i hope you feel a little bit better after drinking it" he Said as he handed Joshua the drink.

Joshua was feeling his heart beat faster as he reached to grab the drink from Seokmin's hand their fingers touched slightly sending sparks through Joshua's body and making him blush.

Which ofcourse didn't go unnoticed by jeonghan and mingyu.

Joshua could feel jeonghan smirking besides him and he complety choose to ignore him.

"Thanks minie" joshua said while smiling.

Now it was Seokmin's turn to blush as he heard the nickname.

"Aww minie?!! guys are so disgustingly cute btw Seokmin you should join us for lunch next time when you are alone"
Jeonghan said as he eyed mingyu. Who just rolled his eyes in response.

"Sure i would love to hyung . See you later shua hyung" Seokmin said as he and mingyu decided to find a table .

Call it councidance or call it fate but joshua would have straight up called it hell because what he saw was that only one empty table that was beside the table at which mingyu and Seokmin sat.

Don't get him wrong it's not like he didn't like Seokmin actually he enjoyed the youngers company even tho it's been two days since they started living together.

The problem was their friends. They hated eachother for no reason.
I mean there were reasons to some but not something big that wouldn't be fixed with a talk or a group therapy session because all of them are crazy.

Sitting down at the table he could already feel the glares jeonghan was giving mingyu and the younger returning them back with the same courtesy.

It's only been 10 minutes and Joshua was already done with them and to say the rest of their friends hadn't join them yet.

But speaking of the devil lee jihoon along with boo seungkwan came towards the table glancing over at jeonghan and Joshua.

"Why the fuck are we sitting this close to them you want me to vomit my food out"
Joshua Heard jihoon say while seungkwan just looked straight up annoyed.

And for the first time jeonghan didn't reply to them with the same sassiness instead he ignored all the noises coming from that table.
Joshua didn't know know whether he should be proud or concerned.

Just then jun and Vernon showed up .

"Where have you guys been we have been waiting for 20 minutes" jeonghan said .

"Sorry hyung i was waiting for wonwoo but he had a class so he couldn't come and when i came to the cafeteria i saw Vernon standing by the door for whatever unknown reason " jun explained sitting down .

Jeonghan and Joshua just looked at Vernon with confusion waiting for him to elaborate but he just nodded his head and Said "yeah" . And they decided not to ask further more.

as more time passed the table beside Joshua's filled with more people including minghao and seungcheol.

Jeonghan and seungcheol eyes met for a moment to which jeonghan just rolled his eyes while seungcheol scoffed and sat down.

Honestly Joshua was wishing for hoshi to not show up because as lee jihoon was beside them he would probably say some shit to hoshi that will ruin his mood for the rest of the week.

What Joshua didn't know was that someone was also wishing for the same. Just not for the same reason.

As jeonghan and Joshua were discussing something hoshi along with  lee chan came into the cafeteria.

Hoshi was telling him something while chan was smiling like he was talking to his high school crush.

To say that Joshua was shocked was an understatement hoshi was with jihoon's cousin.

Jun noticing the shock on everyone's face decided to enlighten them.

"They study the same major"

Now they understood the situation but joshua noticed jihoon's smile turn into a frown upon seeing his cousin with his.. enemy? Joshua didn't know what jihoon thought of hoshi. in fact even jihoon didn't know the answer to this.

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