chapter two

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Jihoon was so annoyed by his roommate for playing songs on a speaker this early in the morning. Don't get him wrong he isn't normally a negative person....ok maybe he is

But playing songs this early  yeah he couldn't endure this anymore.

Getting up from his bed he went towards his roommate's table where the speaker was placed he turned it off aggressively.

"Jihoon-ah why be a mood killer this early in the morning " seungcheol whined and was about to turn the speaker on again .

" Yah if you turn the speaker on again i swear to god I'm not gonna hesitate to break it" jihoon said angrily while looking at his best friend

He mentally cursed thinking what did he do wrong to be roommates with seungcheol.

Again don't get him wrong seungcheol is his best friend since birth basically . But the older was extremely annoying pouty and sulky.

I mean he did became friends with seungcheol while trying to almost kill him.

As jihoon was feeling regret for not killing him that day his thoughts were interrupted by his best friend

" Jihoon don't just stand there get ready or else we are gonna be late for our first day of the new semester " seungcheol said.

With that jihoon went into the bathroom while mumbling about how he was gonna kill seungcheol.

They were arguing all the way to the cafe near their campus since jihoon and seungcheol rarely cooked they hadn't had breakfast yet.

As seungcheol was about to enter the cafe he was pulled back by jihoon.

"Lets go to the other cafe " jihoon said as he avoided looking at the cafe door they were standing near.

"We still have time and the others are gonna go there as well so we should go there"
Jihoon said trying to convince seungcheol who was complaining about how far the other cafe was.
Even tho it wasn't that far.

Jihoon was dragging seungcheol with all his strength while the older wouldn't stop whining.

"I saw him in the cafe and yeah i couldn't stand looking at him it would have just runied my day" jihoon said as he let go of the older

With that seungcheol had stopped complaining and didn't ask any more questions. Understanding who his best friend was referring to.

It got quite and jihoon was enjoying the peace cuz it probably wouldn't last long.

Unfortunately for him he was correct when he saw a cheerful Seokmin and a grumpy seungkwan coming towards them.

"Hi Guys" Seokmin said while smiling brightly.

"Why the long face seungkwan-ah" seungcheol asked worried for his friend.

"My roommate is such a rat im gonna kill him" seungkwan Said dramatically

"Are you sure you aren't just crushing on him " seungcheol laughed while seungkwan just gave him a disgusted look.

"His whole friend group is filled with rats" woozi added to seungkwan's statement.

"NOO don't say that shua hyung is so nice" Seokmin interven.

While seungkwan and jihoon looked at him disgustedly.

" Hi gays and a bi " minghao said while Mingyu stood to his left and Chan stood to right .

Seungcheol just sighed at that and gave him a disapproving look.

And seungkwan ran towards Chan hugging him.

While Mingyu and Seokmin left  saying they are gonna be late for their class.

Woozi was never gonna say it to them but chan and seungkwan looked cute together even tho most of the time they fought .

Oh shit he is gonna be late he started walking towards his department when he Heard seungcheol say .

" What about breakfast"

He didn't have time for it and skipping breakfast was not gonna kill him he'll just eat at lunch time.

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