chapter one

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Jeonghan was awoken by a shrill sound
That was coming from his roommate's phone
           "Yah you should turn off your alarm"

The phone kept ringing

So jeonghan did what every normal person would he threw a pillow towards his roommate's bed but the phone kept ringing.

With a groan he got up from his bed to see his roommate missing he went towards his side of the room and turned off the phone

Just then hoshi came out of the bathroom

"Hoshi-ah you should turn off your alarm before leaving your bed"

"Sorry hyung i forgot and you should get ready it's our first day of new semester aren't you excited "

"No " jeonghan replied dryly

"Come on hyung we are gonna be late "

After a lot of bickering they left the dorms to go to the cafe where their friends usually gathered at

"  Look we still have 30 minutes i could have slept a little more"

As jeonghan was complaining to hoshi who was ordering  coffee for himself along with his friends
Jeonghan heard his name being called he turned around to see his best friend waving at him

"Jeonghaniiii" Joshua said as he come towards him and hugged the older

"Shua i miss sharing a room with you this hoe wakes me up early" jeonghan said pointing at hoshi who just waved at Joshua
As Joshua was about to response to that

jun entered the cafe dramatically  "hello bitches bow down to your king"

Along with him they saw a new guy with glasses who after hearing what jun had said created a distance between them

"This is wonwoo one of my roommate" Jun said as he introduced the new guy now known as wonwoo

"Wonwoo these are my servents " jun said

"Hi wonwoo" they said at the same time

Just then Joshua felt someone was missing
"Wait where is vernon ?" Joshua asked

"Seungkwan probably killed him" Jun replied

"I hate seungkwan but he probably did us a favour " hoshi said after paying for the drink and handing them to everyone along with wonwoo

"Thank you" wonwoo said softly

"Your welcome babe" hoshi replied not forgetting to wink

The door to the cafe opened and it was non other than vernon
" Hi guys " Vernon said coming towards them

"Oh hansol-ah i thought you died " hoshi said with a dramatic cry and recieved a
Slap from joshua for his horrible acting

"Stop being loud you Will scare wonwoo"

"Hi I'm Joshua" he said while smiling at the wonwoo

"And this is jeonghan" he pointed at the boy who was now complaining to Vernon about hoshi

"And that's Vernon and this is ho-"

"NEGA HOSHI"  hoshi cut off Joshua with a shout

Joshua just shook his head with dissaproval and looked at his watch

" We have to leave or else we are gonna be late .You should definitely join us wonwoo i actually need normal people in our group" he said as he dragged jeonghan with him not forgetting to give wonwoo a warm smile

" Why is the business department so far away this is a hate crime bye guys" jeonghan said while being dragged by joshua out of the cafe

" I am gonna go as well my department head wanted to talk to me " hoshi said

" No one asked " jun replied

"Aight see you'll later bye " he said but not forgetting to add

"i think you and i are gonna be besties wonwoo " he patted wonwoo's shoulder and left

" I hope not " wonwoo said
"Don't you fucking dare he is my best friend" hoshi heard jun's shout

" Bye it was nice meeting you " Vernon said getting up as he left as well

"Well these were my friends i hope you liked them " Jun asked wonwoo

"Well they were quite....... Loud" he replied

"Oh trust me this was the calmest i have ever seen them" jun replied with a laugh

"Bye wonii join us for lunch I'll wait for you outside your department so that you don't bail on me " jun said as he left

" I'm sure you will " wonwoo said now smiling

maybe this year was not gonna be the worst . Wonwoo thought

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