Harassment 15

254 6 8

•Mentioned $elf-H@rm
•Cringy Romance Tropes
•Mentioned Bullying/Harassment

Bakugo's POV

I open it and look at the text.

It's a photo that Deku took of himself, Denki, and Shinso at a random convenience store.

I feel myself, once again, starting to shake and forget how to breathe. I don't take my eyes off of the photo. I zoom in on Denki and can see he has his phone in his front pocket.

It's definitely a phone.

You couldn't mistake it for a wallet or something similar or vise versa. My legs uncontrollably shake, so I close them tight and push them down on the car floor to make it so Shoto hopefully won't notice.

I unzoom out of the photo with my shaking fingers and look at Deku.

That stupid fucking smile that makes everyone think he is such a nice person, that he will be there for you, that he's honestly, that he is caring, everything a good person would be.

But that's not who Deku fucking is.

That's not who Izuku Midoriya really fucking is.

He's the type of person asks for a hug then goes around telling people you assaulted him because you touched him without consent. Then changes the story a few months later. Then changes it once a-fucking-gain.

Tears start flowing down my cheeks at a rate I can't control. They fall on my hands and on my phone and make the screen glitch out. I wipe the tears off my phone with my shirt sleeve then wipe the streaming tears off my face.

I clench my knee with one of my hands and continue to look at the photo.


Fucking Shinso.

Shinso has his arm on Denki's shoulders, and he is very close to his cheek, puckering his lips like he is going to kiss Denki. Like he's going to kiss my fucking boyfriend.

I bite my cheek so hard that it will probably scar.

Turning off my phone and fighting to urge to throw it out of the fucking window as i drop it into my lap and sqeeze my eyes closed tight and push the palms of my hands into them.

The feeling of my stomach churning and becoming hot makes me feel nauseous. I take my hands off my eyes and instead dig my nails into my arms as I hug myself.

'Just wait until you get to Shoto's house and then you can take the blade out of your phone case.'

I typically forget about the blade that is constantly on me.

My arms start to spasm. Not just shake. Spasm. My arms feel tired and like they are cramping.

Suddenly the car slows down then stops. I look up to see that Shoto pulled over on the side of the road.

"Bakugo, do you need help" He says it in more of an informative way rather than a questioning way.

He unbuckes his seat belt then completely turns off the car. He leans over and inbuckles my seat belt too.

He looks me in the eyes for a moment, I probably look like a mess, but he looks at me with concern and care, not pity.
I just start to sob but in a not so quiet way. I push my head down and start pulling my hair with my aching hands.

My arms and fingers feel like they are being snapped in half and it feels like I can hear everything around me. It's too much.

It's too fucking much.

Liars Make The Best Abusers||TodoBaku|| Angst WIP|| CURRENTLY UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now