The Do's And The Don'ts 10

292 8 6


•Mentioned sa
•Mentioned abusive behavior from family members
•mentioned delusions/hallucinations
•Panic attack
Mentioned Alcohol

This will be a long chapter


Baku's POV

The man in front of me opens his eyes and looks at me again.
"You can come in. Your mother probably said some shit about me being mentally ill. But I promise I won't hurt you."

Honestly, saying that kinda makes me think he will.

He steps to the side and nudges his head as a way to tell me to come inside.
I walk in and hear him close the door behind me.

It looks a lot nicer on the inside than the outside.

"I didn't even know she had a kid. Uh, do you want something to drink? I'm not good with kids."
He says in a tired and confused manor.

"No, I'm okay. I didn't even know I had an uncle either."

"Yea. She's like that."

An awkward silence takes over. We're both just standing in the middle of his house just looking at anything but either other.

I look back at him, and it looks like he's holding back on something.

He goes and sits on his couch and gestures, telling me to come sit too.
I do come and sit down, but I sit on the opposite side of the couch.

Again, he looks like he wants to do something. Then he glances at me awkwardly. How am I supposed to react to this. This is getting kind of stressful.
So I just kind of stare at him, waiting for something to happen.

"So, what's your name? Im Katsuki. " I ask, trying to break the silence.

"You can just call me Zet. I know it's kind of a weird name. I kind of chose it myself."

Then, the awkward silence takes over once again.

He glances at me again before saying, "Sorry. I'm probably weird. I just." He pauses and sighs. "I want to know what kind of things she said about me."

"Well, uh. I only found out about you yesterday. But um. I'll just let you read what she said because I'm not comfortable with repeating it."

I unlock my phone and pull up the conversation I had with her the previous day and hand my phone over to him.

I watch his expressions change as he reads.

Then, after a few minutes, he finally hands back my phone while saying, "Even after all these years, she still thinks of me like that."

She's always been like that?

"If you don't mind me asking, what did she say about you before?"
I take off my shoes and leave them on the floor. Then i put my legs up to my chest , wrapped my arms around them, and lay my head on my knees as I waited for a response from him.

"What kind of stuff did she say? Honestly, it was the stuff she did."
He looks down at the ground angrily.

"I don't want you to think her behavior is okay. So I'm going to share something with you about her. You still need to act respectful to her for multiple reasons, and I'm not trying to make you hate your mom. I just don't want things to cycle." He looks at me, with determined eyes.

Liars Make The Best Abusers||TodoBaku|| Angst WIP|| CURRENTLY UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now