Safe Enough To Sleep 13

210 6 4

•Cringe worthy stuttering
Cringy Romance Tropes
•Other shit I forgot about

Some information about dystonia may not be fully accurate as i have only had one situation where i have experienced something like dystonia, and if you know that any of the information in this chapter isn't accurate, please let me know and I will do further research and change/add the new information into the story. Also, I am currently going through a lot of stress and therefore am experiencing some writers block, so this chapter may be kind of boring to read even if the story itself is enjoyable.

Baku's POV

I gave him my address, and I listened as he left his house and started up a car.

He stayed on the phone with me and continued to speak to me while he drove to my house.

"The more you stress yourself out, the worse it will get. Please try to focus on different things and keep yourself occupied and distracted as best you can." He kept talking with me and giving me advice and would never let the phone call be silent. After a few minutes, I heard some shuffling on the other side of the phone and then, "I'm here. Where do you want me to go.

"Um, on the eight side of the house, there is a gate. My window is past that. I'll try to let you in."

I hear the sound of the gate opening and closing, so I take that as my que to get up and unlock the window.

Walking with feet that have contracted muscles made it difficult and painful to walk over to the window. During this whole time, tears streamed down my face from the pain and the embarrassment I have been feeling throughout this.

I open the window with as much effort as I can, and he rolls up the window the window the rest so he is able to get in

Just after he takes his first steps in my bedroom, my body gives out, and I feel my head beginning to feel fuzzy.

I fall to the ground and expect to feel the pain of the floor but instead of feel arms wrapped around me. He carefully sets me down onto the floor, then properly picks me up again, bridal style, and carries me to my bed.

He lays me down and then tries to leave the room for something, but I stop him.

"Please. Don't go." I sounded more desperate than I would have liked.

I stop and turn around and walk back next to me. He crouches down next to me and sits beside me on the floor.

"Do I have your consent to touch your hair or your face?"

Not wanting to speak, I nod.

He reaches over and places his hand gently on my head and plays with my hair.

"Please try not to focus on anything other than your breathing." He sits up and sits onto the bed next to me. He plays with my hair for a while, and my breathing slowly starts to become more natural. Then he moves his hand down to my cheek and holds my face tenderly in his hands. One of his hands is cold and makes me feel calm, while the other is warm, and it makes me feel safe.

He then rubs my cheeks with hid thumbs. The repeated sensation of his hands on my head and face made me forget about everything going on around me.

Liars Make The Best Abusers||TodoBaku|| Angst WIP|| CURRENTLY UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now