His Assault. 5

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Baku's POV

I gave Denki 2 more days. He hasn't said shit.

He agreed to hang out with me today. I think I'll confront him after a few hours. Just in case he decides to tell me in person.

3rd Person POV

Katsuki wanted so badly for his boyfriend to just come to him and tell him the mistake he made. He knows he probably won't. But he just wants to take the chance.

After getting ready, bakugo hears a knock on his door.

Denki probably got a ride to katsuki's house, but they usually walk around to shops or parks before they go to Denki's house.

He hears the door open, probably his mother opening the door.

"Brat, your friend is here!" He hears his mother scream while she walks closer to his room.

She opens the door without knocking. "Why didn't you tell me you had a friend coming over. You know that you need my permission to leave." She spoke to him with a stern voice, trying not to be loud because of denki being in the house.

"I'm sorry, Mother. I was going to tell you but he came earlier than expected. And we aren't staying, we are going to his house, so we won't be here to bother you."

She thinks for a moment. She's probably taking it into account that denki is in the house, and she wants to keep up the act that she allows katsuki to have basic freedoms.

"Fine. You come back tomorrow at no later than 7 pm . I don't care how you get back here, but I'm not picking you up. Got that?!" She's says again, in a quiet, stern voice.


Katsuki walks out of his room and meets with Denki.

Denki knows that his boyfriends mother is homophobic, so he doesn't do any of his lovey dovey things when katsuki walks over.

Katsuki yells a goodbye before closing the front door to his house.

Denki takes Katsuki's hand and starts walking to the places they usually go.

Katsuki can't help but feel slightly uncomfortable touching Denki's hand. Not knowing if Shinso held the same hand that he is holding right now. He flicks his eyes to their conjoined hands every few minutes. They walk in silence.
This is unusual. But Denki's oblivious self doesn't realize that Katsuki is uncomfortable.

They walk to a park close by Katsuki's house. It has a small lake with ducks and small fish in the water as well as a few smallish Lilly pads with frogs and toads.

They stare at the ducks and watch the fish swim away when a frog jumps in the water.

Suddenly, they both hear thunder. Then a heavy rain starts pouring down on them.

"Come on, baby, hold my hand, let's dance in the rain!"

Denki yanks katsuki up by the hand, grabs his waist, and puts the others' hands on his shoulders. They both look at each other while the rain drips through through their hair and down their faces.

Denki stops moving and kisses Katsuki.

God. He really made it hard for Katsuki to work up the courage to talk about the photo he saw.

He doesn't want to ruin what they have. He doesn't want things to change.

He doesn't want to be single in his room, with blood dripping down his arms, wondering what his ex is doing at the current moment.

Liars Make The Best Abusers||TodoBaku|| Angst WIP|| CURRENTLY UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now