Unsaved Number 14

212 7 1

•Cringy Romance Tropes
•Some other shit I probably forgot
•Mentioned Water Boarding

Shoto's POV

I wake up to a bang, I try to sit up but realize that I am not home. I am in Bakugo's house. And he is in my arms with preventing me from sitting up without moving him.

He also woke up from the loud bang, although he's seemed a bit less fazed by it than me. He stretched, and then it opened his eyes to look at me.

"Oh. Hey." He says.

"Uh, hi. What was that loud bang?" I ask, questioning.

"Probably my mom leaving the house." He closes his eyes again, then snuggles back up into my chest.

I feel my face start to blush slightly. Not only is his tired voice really cute, but he also is very snuggly when he's not trying to act like he doesn't need affection. I rub his head and rub his back, too, to see if he would like it.

He definitely liked it. He moved up slightly and snuggled into the crook of my neck and let out a deep breath that made me hold in a laugh because it tickled me.

Bakugo had his hands on my chest but then wrapped both of his arms around my neck.

We laid there for a few minutes in silence. I think Bakugo might have fallen asleep again as his breathing became synchronized, and he stopped squirming.

I unwrapped his arms around me neck and made him hug a cow stuffed animal I saw on the bed. He snuggled into the cow stuffie and then turned his body away from me.

I got up off the bed and walked quietly out of his room, not to wake him. Firstly, I checked the house to see if anyone was home and if I needed to be worried about being caught in Bakugo's house.

Nobody was home, to my knowledge. I looked in Bakugo's fridge and pantry to see if there was anything I could give to him once he fully woke up.

My sister and I would usually be the ones to make our own food because our dad Is a bitch, and our mom was always busy with work.

I decided on making eggs, but I don't know how he likes them, so I'll just make a guess and say Medama-Yaki. If he doesn't end up wanting it then I'll eat it for him and make something else.

I made 4 eggs the same way and also found where the seasoning is and brought it to his room.

I shake Bakugo away lightly. "Hey, Bakugo. I made eggs." He squinted his eyes at me and stretched.

He sat up and looked at the eggs I set on the bedside table.

"How did you know I liked my eggs cooked like that?" He rubbed his eyes and his face.

"I just took a guess. I also brought out some seasoning because I wasn't sure what you would like. You seem like a spicy kind of person though." I sat on the side of his bed and took a plate that had 2 eggs on it.

"Yea, that's true." He smiled slightly then leaned over and also took a plate of eggs.

We both seasoned our eggs the way we like it, then we ate and made some small talk. Then he picked up his phone and frowned.

"What's wrong Bakugo?" I put down my plate and turn my attention to him.

He looked at me and I could see some tears starting to form in his eyes. "Oh, its nothing don't worry about it." He looked down and set his phone on the bed.

"Bakugo. If you aren't ready to talk about certain things, that's completely fine. But I'm in front of you now and I'm able to help you better this way, so of you have something you want to say, it's better to say it now. Okay?" I reach over and grab one of his hands. He looked up at me and more tears formed in his eyes.

Liars Make The Best Abusers||TodoBaku|| Angst WIP|| CURRENTLY UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now