Chapter 2

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"That is our first stop on Dick Island!"

Sunday, March 12th 9:16 PM

After another half hour of studying Jackie has had enough and is ready to drink. I give into her puppy like whimpers. I guess I did squeeze out an hour longer of studying than I normally do from her. God knows she's going to need it to pass her tests. It's our Junior year of college and she's still undecided on her major. Well, she's declared a major...four times...but keeps switching. There are only so many electives you can take before you run out. On the other hand, I declared a major day one. Accounting and Finance, I know, so exciting right? Nothing like taking care of other people's money for a living. It'll be a good living though. No one from my family has ever graduated from college and I am going to make sure I am the first to do so. I've been saving my whole life for this opportunity and I will show everyone what Marie Floes is capable of. That all can wait though, tonight is for unwinding from studying so we can daydream about spring break.

Jackie and I leave the school library and walk to our favorite late night watering hole, The Easy A. It's about what you'd expect from a bar in a college town. Mostly black interior, cheap beers, well liquors, loud music, and most importantly college guys. This bar was not only Jackie's holy ground for rejuvenation after a long day of studies, but it was also her hunting ground. As we walk in heads turn in awe of Jackie. She's always well dressed and looks immaculate. Some celebrities will lie and say they "woke up like this". But not Jackie, she always looks stunning and flawless. She walks in the room with authority and control. Her legs step one over the other like she's gliding down a runway. Her perfect breasts jiggle and her hips sway as she catches the attention of every man like they are moths to a flame. Her fiery red hair is slightly covering her perfectly symmetrical face and dainty nose. She uses one hand to brush her hair back as she seductively looks behind her shoulder to all the boys ogling her. God she's good. I follow suit closely behind her. I really like myself and how I look. Hell, I am hot and know it! I keep my pace and also sway my hips catching the eyes of a few patrons. I am slowly learning her ways of seduction, they all want you so you just pick who gets you. I am still not sure I want any of these drunk idiots to take my virginity, but I am hoping this strategy pays off big time next week. These thirsty boys can wait, because we have drinks to order and a trip to discuss.

The bartender is a cute alternative girl named Beth. She has black hair, dark makeup, and is covered in traditional tattoos. She's too attractive for this bar. She obviously stays because of the abundance of tips she gets from horny frat boys, who mistake her customer service for wanting to suck their cock. Not only is she hot, she's tough as nails and has them right where she wants them. If these horny boys only knew she's not into men. Beth likes the both of us, as we are the only regulars who won't get handsy or take everything she says as consent. She quickly ignores the other patrons to take our drink order.

"The usual sugar?" Beth asks Jackie.

"Not tonight, I'll take Sex on the Beach, because that's what I'll be having in three days!" Jackie yells loud enough for everyone at the bar to hear. Beth has her best customer service face on but you can tell her eyes are rolling internally.

"You got it babe, what's your poison Marie?" Beth says as she turns her attention to me.

"Mexican Mule please, and can you make it with Frida? Jose gives me a headache." I say in excitement as I've been secretly craving one all week.

"Coming right up Chika! I'll take a senorita over a hombre any day!"

Beth obviously went to school for mixology because the way she flings and flips the bottles of mixers and spirits around is as mesmerizing as an enchantress making potions. With excellent speed our drinks are served to us. Jackie's drink arrives in an ornate crystal tiki glass with an umbrella. The red drink matches her hair and painted nails perfectly. My Mule is a bit more modest, arriving in a frosted copper mug with a black bendy straw and lime wedge on the rim.

"Do you want to open or close the tab?" Beth says, now in a bit of a hurry as the drink tickets are flooding it.

"Open and put it on my campus card, I'm gonna make Daddy pay for drinks tonight!" Jackie says, slapping her Campus Payment Card on the bar.

"Yay for Daddy! He must be so proud of you." Beth grabs the card and rushes to make more drinks. We grab our drinks and head to the closet open table to plot out our spring break.

"Beach!" Jackie cries out.

"Beach?" I ask hoping there is more context.

"Yes beach! That is our first stop on Dick Island!" She yells loud enough again for most of the bar to hear as curious heads turn towards us.

"So you weren't kidding about the sex on the beach, huh? We're going to an island? I thought it was a coastal town?" I say as my eyebrows raise.

"Er, well it's not an island, but Somerset doesn't carry the same sexual energy as Dick Island!" Jackie takes a pause to enjoy her drink "regardless, it's going to be an amazing time. We'll be staying at my dad's place that has a sick ocean view! We will literally be having hot guys in banana hammocks walking right up to our door! That's Speedos Marie!" Jackie emphasizes by hitting her fist on the table with each word.

"Beach guys always have the biggest dicks and they'll be on display for us. These beach towns always turn into party central when it's spring break!" Jackie's excitement is now gushing out of her. She has a wistful look on her face and I swear I can see stars twinkling in her eye, or that just could be the drink hitting her.

"So your dad's okay with us being there over spring break? While two weeks of debauchery flood the town?" I raise an eyebrow in concern that a parental figure will cock-block us.

"Well, he's new to the area and is hardly ever home. I doubt he even knows what goes on in the world outside of his work. Ever since my parents split when I was in high school he's sunk deep into his work and nothing else. There could be an orgy at his place without him knowing." Jackie pauses to take a chug of her drink to compensate for how lame her dad is. "He's so fucking boring Marie, he works for like the government or some shit. It'll be like he's not even there."

I take a large gulp of my drink to keep pace with Jackie as she finishes her rant about her dad. I start to tune out her endless chatter. Reality is setting in on how important spring break is to me. I sure hope her dad doesn't get in the way of it. I start to overthink it, like I always do. I worry that we'll end up being under an iron first of an upper crust conservative businessman. I'm sure he's just like my old man, a grumpy sixty year old wondering where the hell his life and youth went. I bet her dad will want us to wear long skirts and oversized t-shirts to the beach. We'll probably need to be home before sundown. He'll make us hold hands and sing songs while doing chores before being locked in our bedrooms with charity belts until morning. Is Jackie unknowingly setting us up for failure? My spiraling is halted and I am snapped back to reality as a new set of drinks hits the table.

"Bitch drink up, you look so miserable and I am not taking a sad girl with me to the beach!" Jackie says handing me not only another mule but also a shot.

"Fuck it, lets get through mid terms and get our hot asses to the beach!" We both down the shots and laugh the night away plotting our trip and how we'll be the Queens of Somerset.

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