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"Tell him, I headed straight to the office from here," you mumbled, then rose from your seat, stretching your hands above your head

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"Tell him, I headed straight to the office from here," you mumbled, then rose from your seat, stretching your hands above your head. Dizziness washed over you once again, and just in the nick of time, Woo-Hyung reached out to steady you.

"But why? He's still our father," Woo-Hyun protested, standing in front of you with a puzzled expression.

"He's not a real father," you retorted icily, striding out of the hospital room without shoes, clad only in a faded green gown.

You were a complex individual with a frosty exterior that shields your vulnerable core. While your demeanor may come across as cold and rude to most, a stark contrast exists when it comes to her interactions with your only family, Jung Woo-Hyun.

However, this facade cracks open when it comes to matters of trust. You grapple with major trust issues that have rooted themselves deep within your psyche. You find it nearly impossible to place your faith in others due to past experiences that have left you emotionally scarred. 

Right from the birth you were taught to kill your emotions and sentiments, and now that they are officially dead, you don't feel anything.

Amidst this emotional struggle, there is a singular exception: your best friend, Woo-Hyun. Your bond with him is unbreakable and founded on an unshakable foundation of trust. Despite the fact that he is just a random person whom you decided to trust so suddenly.

He is your confidant; the one person you feel safe sharing your innermost thoughts and fears with. This unique connection serves as a lifeline, a safe harbor amidst the turbulent sea of your anxieties.

One notable figure who fails to earn your trust is your adoptive father. His intentions might be genuine, but Your intuition raises red flags that you can't ignore. 

Consequently, you remain distant from him, wary of letting him get too close. This strained relationship is only somewhat bearable because of Woo-Hyun's inexplicable fondness for your adoptive father. You tolerate his presence for the sake of your best friend, despite your reservations.

The tale surrounding his role as your adoptive father might not boast much intrigue. However, since we're delving into the topic, Kwon In-Su's presence resembled more of a guardian than a traditional paternal figure.

Picture that frosty December winters, with the chill gnawing at you and Woo-Hyun on that desolate footpath, leaving you on the brink of freezing. It was Kwon In-Su who emerged as your savior, ushering you both into his solitary mansion for refuge.

At the tender age of twelve, when the world was a vast and unfamiliar terrain, he assumed the role of mentor. He took charge of your education and ensured your every need was met without hesitation.

From your education, to pampering with needs, Kwon In-Su never hid his wallet when it was about you guys.

Even after all these generous gestures, the question remains: why were you still hesitant to trust him? wasn't that ungrateful of you?

It may seem something ungrateful, and arrogant but can a human change his virtue?

Can a heart of girl, who was once beaten to almost death just because she made a friend trust again?

Can we expect a normal mind from her side?

This is why you couldn't really trust him. Kwon In-Su is soft-spoken, kind-hearted, and well-deserving. but you still can't understand why all his facade seems fake to you.

Nearly eighteen years went by with this man whom Woo-Hyun started calling him 'Dad', There wasn't a day left when you didn't suspect him.

Your intuitions were continuously pointing out that Kwon In-Su is not what he seems.

But alas, eighteen years went by and surprisingly no incident took place where Kwon In-Su actually appeared suspicious.

"Y/N, how much longer do you intend to continue gaslighting him like this?" Woo-Hyun groaned in annoyance as he still managed to keep his pace beside you.

"Until this intuition of mine .... ends" you mumbled and carelessly walked around the hospital compound.

Woo-Hyun sighed heavily knowing this wasn't easy-going talk. every time he pleads to talk to In-Su with some genuine emotions, every time your reply was.... same

Woo-Hyun thinks your intuitions are useless, they are just bugging you unnecessarily. Since he doesn't have such 'superpowers', he doesn't believe in your intuitions so much. but what else can he do other than bearing with your 'superpowers'? 

He can't wait for the day when he will prove your intuitions wrong.

"Where's our car?" You asked monotonously, since you guys were standing on the main entrance of the hospital.

Woo-Hyun scoffed playfully, "Do you think Doctor Lee will let you leave without any of his medications?"

"He's right" A heavy gruff voice spoke from behind, you rolled your eyes in frustration and turned around with sarcasm written on your face.

"How can I forget?" You smiled stiffly and walked towards Doctor Lee who had his arms crossed around his chest.

Lee Jon-Suk nodded when he saw you and turned around knowing you would be following him.

He's not your friend or any relative, just.... You were his daily patient he tends to know you more personally.

Woo-Hyun chuckled quietly as he could see your annoyed features basically, you were a workaholic, staying away from work was like not drinking water for a day.

As soon you heard Woo-Hyun's chuckle, you craned your neck and straightly glared at him.

"You are enjoying this too much aren't you?"

"Yes" He smiled brightly with his little lower dimple showing.

You smirked secretly before side eyeing him "okay.... Then why don't you bring me my files to my room?"

"What?" He was left dumbfounded

"20 minutes" you muttered and walked faster to enter your hospital room with the Doctor by your side.

Woo-Hyun saw your retreating figure and sighed heavily

He has to drive 30 minutes away from here to bring those files to you...

Chapter 4 Teaser 

"First of all, who the fuck are you?" you clenched your jaw and glared at the huge man in front of you.

"His real son......the real heir to his property......"


{AN: Deep apologies for the short chapter

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{AN: Deep apologies for the short chapter. but yeah! things will make sense soon...}

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