chap 12

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Reqested :D

Wednesdays pov:

I was sleeping. I think it was in the middle of the night. I dreamed about me and mama. We were going to the beach. Yoko and divi were there too.

Then a weird noise came in my dream but dint really care. And just swimmed with mama.

I felt someone pick me up. But not mama's hands. I opened my eyes to see ajax holding me.

I wanted to cry but hé held a knife in my face saying if i cry he Will kill me.

So? Do you like it me hurting you Hu? And for enid to be in danger. Well little girl you now listen to me. This girl is my girlfriend not yours. Even if you turn into youself SHES MINE.

I nodded dint want to get Hurt aigan. Hé wanted to throw me away when mama woke up.


Enids pov:

I heard someone whispring. Weird it cant be wednesday.

I opened my eyes to see ajax holding wednesday by her cap of her vest knife in her face.

I dint know what hé said but i screamed at him


what? This girl needs dispaline and knows that you are mine.

I am not yours! I dont like you!

Remeber what i said?


Hé dint know hé sat wednesday already down so she runned away. I know shes going to get yok.

Ge then punched me and slapped me for not being a good girlfriend.

I really need wednesday right now....not for only protecting me but just a hug.

Not long after wednesday cane running with yoko. Yoko bit his neck and made him passed out. Wednesday came to me and hugged me.

Hé can still wake up but we moved him to his own dorm. Wednesday dint leave my side once. We walked up to the nurse and let her pace up me and wednesday.

She was just brabbling about the dream she had last night.

I am so happy tommorw Will be the Day that she Will transfrom aigan.

I May ask her on a date but that not the point. I just want her to protect me even tho she says she never does she always protected me. And i had to listen to her about ajax.

She was right about that too.

Lets justs hope the transform Will go smooth.....

《End of chap this was requested so thank yoy for the request!!!!》

Baby Love [Wenclair]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora