It was long back before they even became bussing partners.

" Ouch, did you just say I'm boring?" Ryan faked a painful expression as he clutched his heart.

" Maybe I did " she gave a challenging look to him.

Ryan gave in as he said " you might be right though, I'm kind of boring..."

Jenny giggled softly before saying " ohh please.... You're nowhere to boring....I just assumed that before meeting you...i was actually have a good aura that could make anyone to be around you " she didn't hold back .

" Hmm, nowadays everyone seems to be assuming things about me " he muttered slowly, remarking what his mother did last night.

" Huh ? Sorry what? "

" Nothing..." He brushed it off.

Hmm gasturing the waiter to refill her mocktail Jenny leaned back holding her gaze for a longer moment on him she asked so, what made you date me ?

Ryan knew this question would be coming from her  after all. It's  just been a few days since he declared about never being attracted to any woman and now hes sitting across Jenny whom he has known for like a month?

  Ryan Dixit, who never dated any woman before, is now suddenly interested in me ? how ? arching her eyebrows at him she asked him with a smirk plastered face. 

you want my honest answer ?. he smiled

Of course, she answered with a glint in her eyes.

Thinking about how effortlessly she got inside his mind, messing it up, making him go weak on her, Ryan was finding the right words to describe but couldnt come up with anything that would place his emotions rightly in front of her. He doesnt know about her, but for him She is truly a robber who robbed everything that he had preserved all these years. If tonight hes sitting here in front of her knowing that this date is going to be his biggest risk he ever took and yet he wants to continue this letting her consume his thoughts, his singularity, his serenity and his passion then its only because of her and for her.  Hes ready to risk everything if its Jenny for whom he is risking everything. 

Maybe I saw something in you that I couldn't see in any woman whos not you, he replied, analysing the changing expression of Jenny. 

Her eyes gleamed and lips starched for a wide smile listening to what he said. She was completely blown away by the simplicity of his answer that made her heart jump in ecstasy. Now she knows hes not only a charmer but also a man who can easily sweep someone with his words. 

She wanted to say something in return but stayed quiet as the food was served and both of them began to have their food with light talks about how their school days and collages days were more funnier than the other one. 

The environment around them was so soul pleasing and eye kissing that none of them felt enough of enjoying the view. Slow waves sound along with a wet breeze that touches their skin making goosebumps arrive. And the dim lighting added more elegance to the moment they were enjoying together.

" Would you like to take a walk near the seashore? " Asked Ryan as he wanted to talk about something important and walking might aid him in his nervousness.

" Yeah sure, " Jenny agreed instantly.

Both of them walked a bit to reach the seahorse. Taking off her heels Jenny held the pairs of heels in her right hand as she walked with him.

I can hold the heels if you dont mind, he asked, looking down at the heels which she was holding.

aww, sweet gesture..but No thanks.i can carry them she politely said and he nodded at her with a lipped smile. 

His Heart Ruler (Available On Goodnovel)Where stories live. Discover now