chapter 25

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Author's POV

"Chocolate or vanilla? " Asked Sam, grabbing two mini stoneware plates from the utensils rack.

" Vanilla " Jenny replied quickly.

" Sadly you're not asking about condom flavours so yeah, I would have to go with Chocolate," said Maya keeping a stern face while she was watching the F.R.I.E.N.D.S series on NetFlix with Jenny.

Sam shook his head playfully as he opened the freezer and took out vanilla and chocolate ice cream tubs to layer the pecan pie he made.

It was late evening when Jenny wrapped her work and called Sam to check on him.

While talking to him she came to know that Maya went to visit Sam and both of them asked Jenny to join them too.

Jenny agreed and drove to Sam's house as it's been a few days since three of them met as a gang. Besides, she knew Sam will be leaving for Thailand in the coming two days as he has some business meetings with Clients there.

Jenny was clueless about what to do with Ryan's text message that she received this morning. As much as the idea of a date seemed tempting to her she was still unsure if she planned a date with him last night because no matter how hard she tried to remember nothing came to her mind.

She thought to call Ryan and ask him straight away but again, she didn't want to get embarrassed. This would be the second time she got drunk and lost her sense in front of Ryan.

Instead of drawing herself in self-pity and overthinking Jenny decided to meet her friends.

On the other side, Maya needed to divert her mind from Asher. The more she thought about him the more perplexed her feelings got.

Asher has been giving her the cold shoulder and Maya has no clue about what she should do and make him understand the things that she couldn't understand. Suddenly everything was tangled and blurry for her, she needed more time to tackle this phase of her life because she had never had this kind of situation before.

She was always clear about what she felt and what those feelings meant, if she liked someone then she would be hundred percent sure and know about it but this time it was different. She has mixed feelings for Asher and Maya isn't ready to risk her heart one more time with these mixed feelings.

Sam walked out of the kitchen holding two plates for each one of his friends. Being a cook he loves to see the satisfaction on peoples face when  they  eat food made by him. 

" Here's your pecan pie with vanilla ice cream " he smiled at Maya while handling her the plate

" And here's your pie with chocolate ice cream " he handed Jenny's plate and sat on the other couch grabbing the chips packet from Maya, which she was munching before he arrived.

" Umhhhhhh " moaned Jenny as soon as she tested the pecan pie made by Sam.

" Seriously, you should open a restaurant, " commented Maya, enjoying the delicious pie.

This would be the hundredth time they tell him to open a restaurant because of the art he holds in cooking. Be it anything, if he cooks it then it would be worth eating for sure. He still remembered those college days when he used to talk about owning a restaurant in partnership with his friends. How silly those days were. 

" I know I should, " Sam chuckled at them.

Sam is amazing to cook, and that's one of the reasons why Maya and Jenny always stick around him.

Whenever they arrive at his house he won't let them leave without making them taste something made by him as if it's his trick to keep them bound to him and his tasty dishes.

His Heart Ruler (Available On Goodnovel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant