Curfew [BaekLay & TaoLay]

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 Lay considered himself to be many things. He saw himself as a leader, a mentor, and sometimes, a father-like figure to the younger group members. He loved all of the members uncontrollably. So, out of all the trouble the younger members get into, any trouble that puts their lives on the line upsets him the most.

Long story short, Baekhyun and Tao had decided that they wanted to spend a night out, which was fine with the older members as long as they were back by a certain time. Tonight, this time happened to be nine p.m.

By ten o'clock, Suho was in full panic mode with Xiumin trying to calm him down. Kris was calling Tao non-stop as was Chanyeol who was phoning Baekhyun every two minutes. Oh they were going to kill the boys. Kill them, bring them back to life, kill them again, and then take them out for ice cream. That's what they were going to do.

As Suho was heaving and panting with worry, Yixing decided to do the most productive thing possible and go out looking for the boys. He grabbed the keys for his car and headed out the door. Just as he was about to get in his car, he noticed two shadowy figures approaching him from the darkness of his right side.

"Huang Zitao! Byun Baekhyun! Do you know what time it is?!" he demanded, as he approached them. They both had guilt written all about their faces. Tao was looking like a nervous wreck as he had gone extremely pale. Baekhyun was chewing on his bottom lip which made Yixing worried as he could hurt himself. He brought his finger up to tap the underside of Baekhyun's chin along with a look of warning. Baekhyun immediately let go of his lip, casting his gaze downwards. When neither of them responded, he surprised them by grabbing each one's ear and pulling them back to the dorms, ignoring every plea for mercy, protest, and whine.

As they entered the dorm, there was a split second of silence before all of the older members erupted into a mix of relief and anger. Kris immediately grabbed Tao's arm, which led to the younger one erupting into a mess of sobs.

"Kris ge, I'll take care of it," Lay said gently, trying to calm the angry dragon. Tao pushed himself into Lay trying to avoid Kris's wrath. Kris sighed and nodded, letting go of the young panda's arm. Yixing then dragged them, still by the ear, up the stairs and to his bedroom. There, he let go and pulled out a wooden share from his desk and a share from suho's desk.

"Sit," he said authoritatively. The boys immediately rushed to sit in the chairs, as Lay towered over them.

"You two scared the group badly. You scared me! Poor Suho Hyung almost had a heart attack."

Tao looked down at his hands, playing with the hem of his shirt, and Baekhyun kept his eyes glued to the floor.

"You two! Look at me! Now! I'm talking. Not the floor."

Baekhyun gathered his courage and looked up into the furious, waiting eyes of his older counterpart.

"That means you too, Tao." The shy boy was already trembling. In his mind, this was all Baekhyun's fault, he didn't want to stay out that late. Reluctantly, he brought his eyes up to meet Yixing's.

"Now, you two know why I'm upset," Lay started.

"But we really weren't out that late anyway!" Baekhyun exclaimed. This made Lay raise an eyebrow at the younger.

"You two were given clear instructions to be back by nine o'clock. And those instructions were disobeyed."

Baekhyun was trying his best to keep his tears at bay, he hated upsetting his Hyungs and Geges.

"Which is why you need to be punished," Lay continued.

"Punished?!" Tao shouted out, giving himself whiplash.

"Yes Tao. I'm going to punish both of you. You both make me so proud, but today, you disappointed me." The two winced.

"I understand Gege," Baekhyun stated.

"I'm sorry t-too," Tao stuttered, bowing his head.

"I appreciate your apologies. So, let's start with getting you two changed into your pajamas. I don't want to spank you in your regular clothes." Both boys visibly blushed at the statement.

"Sp-spank us?" Tao squeaked. "Bu-but you never spank us."

"Well, I am now," Lay said, running his fingers through Tao's hair. "Come back dressed in your pajamas. I'll give you ten minutes."

Tao came back wearing a gray sweatshirt and blue pajama bottoms while Baekhyun came back in a band tee and red sleep shorts.

"Tao, you're up first," Lay started, taking a seat in one of the wooden chairs.

Tao forced himself to shuffle over to the older one. Once he was close enough, Lay pulled him over by the waist of his pajama bottoms, earning a whine from the boy. Lay then started to pull down the blue pants, batting away the naughty hands that tried to stop him, before pulling the boy over his lap. The younger boy's face was bright red. He covered his face with his hands and whimpered when Lay brought his yellow boxers to his knees.

"You already know why you're here so I'm just gonna start," Lay stated, and with that his hand came down on Tao's bottom. Baekhyun flinched at the harsh smack as a steady rhythm of them filled the room and bounced off of the walls. Meanwhile, Tao was letting out yelps along with a string of 'I'm sorry's. Disregarding these pleas, Lay continued to turn his bottom from pink to red.

By the twentieth swat, Tao was softly sobbing. Baekhyun's chest had tightened knowing he was next. Baekhyun felt guilty knowing that Tao did not want to stay out that late in the first place. Lay sighed, preparing himself for the next step. He hated making his babies cry. He bent over to remove his flip flop and brought it up to rest it on Tao's bottom.

"Noooo, Gege. Not that!" Tao pleaded.

"You will take the punishment I give you Tao," Lay said firmly. "You will get ten," he started again lifting one of his knees to access the tender flesh at the undercurve of the younger boy's bottom. He then raised the shoe and brought it down hard. Tao howled in pain, the pitch being just about high enough to shatter glass. By the last spank he was blubbering out apologies and pleas to stop. Lay immediately scooped him up and held him in his lap.

"Good boy, you did so well. Shhhhh, it's okay," Lay cooed.

"I'm sorry," Tao cried as Lay ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm so proud of you Tao. Now, can you go stand in the corner for me while I take care of Baekhyun?"

Tao pulled away and nodded. "Yes sir," he said, shuffling to the corner.

Bakehyun became immediately more aware of the situation now that it was his turn. Lay gave him a stern look and Baekhyun stood up and went to the older man's side. Lay was happy he was being cooperative. Just as he had done with Tao, he brought the boy's pants down to his knees, before guiding the boy across his lap.

Baekhyun felt his boxers being pulled down to join his pants. Before he could process his thoughts, Lay brought his hand down for the first smack. Baekhyun yelped out before feeling a rush of embarrassment and tightened his lips. The second swat made him suck in a sharp breath.

"Baekhyun, you know you can cry. That's okay," Lay said gently to the boy. Lay sighed when he didn't get a response and he continued his smacks.

"Owww," Baekhyun hissed at a harsh swat to his upper thigh. Lay then shifted him forward and picked up the flip flop.

"Almost done baby."

"OWW," Baekhyun screamed as the flip flop came down. God it stung. He finally broke down into sobs by the fifth swat.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he cried.

"We're all done, Baekie."

He then pulled the boy's pants up and motioned for Tao to do the same. Bringing Baekhyun into a hug on his lap, Tao joined them.

"We-We're sorry," Tao cried

"I know baby boy, you're all forgiven."

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