Chapter 31- Practice Makes Perfect

Start from the beginning

The heat rushed to my face, and my palms felt clammy with nervousness. I was usually good at keeping my emotions in check, but around Yvaine, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety.

"I can also teach you how to dance if that would help ease any more worries?" I offered, hoping to provide her with some comfort and support.

"You? Dance?" Sebastian interjected, his tone tinged with annoyance. I knew that he had feelings for Yvaine, but he seemed to be avoiding them, especially after the emotional turmoil he had experienced with the loss of his uncle and the situation with his sister Anne. But should I suppress my feelings if he's not going to confess?

"Yes, Sebastian," I replied, trying not to let my frustration show. "I am a Gaunt, after all. Even blind, I was expected to learn all the customs of a gentleman and high society, which includes dancing."

As much as I wanted to help Yvaine and be there for her, it was also difficult to see her interact with other guys, especially Sebastian. I couldn't deny the subtle twinge of jealousy that stirred within me, but I knew I had no right to feel that way. After all, we were just friends, and she deserved to be happy. However, after all this time, nothing has happened between them.

Despite my inner turmoil, I forced a smile, trying to focus on being the supportive and dependable friend that Yvaine needed. Deep down, I wished that she would see me as more than just a friend, but I didn't want to risk our friendship by admitting my feelings.

"Well, if Ominis is busy, I can also lend a hand with practice," Sebastian chimed in, trying to be helpful.

"Do you think Imelda needs practice as well?" I asked rather pettily. Ever since Sebastian found out Yvaine had planned to go to the ball with Dmitri, he found himself being asked by Imelda to be her date. He didn't see a reason to say no at the time, but now he was regretting it.

I could feel Sebastian's glare burning into me.

"Oh! You're... going with Imelda?" Yvaine sounded ever so slightly disappointed.

Sebastian mumbled reluctantly, "She just asked last night..."

"Well then... I'm sure you two will have a great time together," Yvaine piped up, trying to hide any underlying emotions about the situation. She gave me an endearing hug, grateful for my help then linked arms with Poppy as they headed towards their Magical Beasts class.

"I'll see you later instructor" she teased.

Sebastian gave me a shove, clearly frustrated, after they left. "Merlin, what the heck, Ominis?" he exclaimed. "Why would you mention Imelda?!"

"What? You are going with her, aren't you?" I said, genuinely confused by his reaction.

"Yes, technically I said yes, but..." he trailed off and rubbed his face in frustration. "I wanted to ask Yvaine..."

"What do you mean?" I pressed, finally understanding his dilemma. Sebastian remained quiet, and I could hear his foot tapping impatiently.

"Nevermind," he finally said, looking a bit defeated. "Just make sure you're patient with her when it comes to the dancing. Whenever she's learning something new and she can't seem to get it, her magic tends to flare up. I'll... I'll meet you at the library to study for that test later."

As he walked away, I couldn't help but feel torn. On one hand, I wanted to be there for Yvaine and make her happy, but on the other hand, I didn't want to come between Sebastian and the chance he had with her.


We both decided that the astronomy tower would be the place to try to practice after completing the class assignment first. Ominis suggested the Waltz since that would be the first dance of the evening after the champions.

"Im telling you I do not have a single dancing bone in my body Ominis" I said with a pout. I stepped on the poor boy's feet so many times I've lost count.

"You're too much in your head Yvaine. This isn't necessarily like our class assignments. You have to feel your way through the movements... let the music guide you." He instructed as he slowly guided me again.

In the serene atmosphere of the astronomy tower, Ominis led me in a waltz, our feet gently gliding across the floor. He relied solely on touch and intuition. I marveled at the way he moved with such grace and precision, as if he could see every step before him.

Premiére Gymnopédie by Erik Satie on Spotify

"Let's try something with a slower tempo" he suggested. I appreciated his patience with me. "If you'll humor me, close your eyes.."

I followed his instruction.

This time the waltz was slow and elegant, a dance of intimate connection. Ominis placed his hand on my waist, and I felt the gentle rise and fall of his breath as we moved as one. His touch was gentle, yet firm, guiding me with the assurance of a seasoned dancer.

I placed my hand in his, feeling the warmth of his palm against mine. I followed his lead, my body responding now instinctively to his subtle cues. We swirled and twirled, our movements mirroring the stars above, as if we were part of the celestial dance.

As we danced, Ominis occasionally whispered soft instructions to me, guiding me through the steps. "One, two, three... One, two, three," he murmured, his voice a comforting melody that kept us in perfect harmony. I listened to the rhythm of his voice, allowing it to guide me through the dance.

Our proximity grew closer with each turn, our hearts beating in sync to the music and the unspoken emotions that filled the air. I could feel the warmth of Ominis' breath on my cheek, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of affection for this gentle soul.

In the dim light of the tower, the dance became a mesmerizing display of trust and vulnerability. Ominis relied on me to follow his lead, and I trusted him implicitly to guide me through the dance. It was a dance of unspoken communication, where words and sight were unnecessary as our bodies spoke a language of their own.

As the waltz drew to a close, Ominis pulled me gently towards him, our bodies now almost touching. He rested his forehead against mine, and for a moment, time stood still.

With a soft smile, I whispered, "Thank you, Ominis.." I felt the blush slowly creeping up my cheeks.

He chuckled softly, the sound music to my ears. "You are a wonderful partner, Yvaine. Dancing with you is like being carried away by the ocean waves."

I opened my eyes. If only he knew how true that could be.

"I.. I could use more dance lessons... I mean if it's not too much trouble for you?" I said, looking at him hopefully.

He smiled, twirled me into a dip before replying, "I think we could come to an arrangement."

In that moment, our bodies pressed close and his touch sent shivers down my spine. My friendship with Ominis felt like it as evolving. There was something intimate about the way we moved together, as if the dance had unlocked a hidden bond that had been waiting to blossom.

 There was something intimate about the way we moved together, as if the dance had unlocked a hidden bond that had been waiting to blossom

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A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now