Tim Bradford: The Stanton incident.

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Y/n's pov-
I had been arrested for absolutely no reason. I was doing was driving home from work and was pulled over by Jackson and his new training officer. Jackson tried to stop him saying that he was only doing this to get back at Tim. I was beyond confused, why was I being arrested. That statment connfused me even more.  He told Jackson to stop questioning his authority or there would be consequences. His TO (training officer) shoved me causing me to fall, I could already feel the bruise forming as he pulled me to stand up. I gave Jackson a look telling him to stop, before he put his career on the line. I knew how much being a police officer meant to him and I didn't want him to lose that opportunity because he was defending me.
Jackson's training offiicer who I now knew was called Stanton took me to an interigation room and handcuffed me to the table. He walked out telling Jackson to stay and keep an eye on me. Once he left Jackson came to sit across from me. "I'm so sorry. I tried to stop him from pulling you over but he just didn't listen." I could see the anger and frustration etched on his face. I shook my head signalling for him to stop. "It's not your fault, it's his. Why did he even pull me over. You said something about him getting back at Tim."
He let out a tired sigh. "Tim and Lucy have been helping me and Sargent Grey. We've been trying to get enough evidence to get his badge taken away. He's not a good cop, he's racist. Just a few weeks ago he tried to arrest a suspect who didn't fot the physical description of who we were looking for. Then he tried to arrest the whole family, just because they were black and said what he was doing was wrong. Lucky Tim and Lucy showed up and Tim stopped it."
I shook my head not quite wrapping my head around what happened. "So he arrested me to what get under Tim's skin, cause that's not gonna work. It's only gonna make him more mad."
Jackson nodded. "Speaking of Tim I messaged him when Stanton wasn't looking. He must have been on a call when I did but he messaged when we got to the station, he's on his way back now. Once Grey comes in and sees its you he'll let you go. And you can wait here till Tim gets here he will want to know you're okay. You are aren't you?"
"It hurts from when he pushed me down, it's definately gonna bruise, and the cuffs are tight but apart from that I'm fine. I've handled worse."
Just as I finished talking I heard the door open. Jackson and I turned our heads to see Lucy and Sargent Grey walking in. Sargent Grey walked up to me and removed th hand cuffs. I got up while rubbing my wrists. I walked towards Grey and hugged him. "Hey, how are you? How's the family?" He let out a little chuckle as we both pulled back. "You were just wrongfully arrested, and hurt, and your asking me how I am." I nodded. "You are something different. I'm fine, so is the family. Thank you for asking." "Good." I turned to Lucy giving her a hug, she was definately my favourite rookie that Tim had ever trained. We've become really close, along with Nolan (John) and Jackson. "Are you okay? I was there when Grey and Tim watched the footage. It looks like he shoved you really hard and the cuffs were put on really tight." She gently lifted up my right wrist looking at he red angry lines wrapping around my wrist. "I'm fine. It'll heal soon."
We began making our way out of the interigation room. "Hey. Where's Tim. You said he was there when you watched the body cam footage." Before anyone could say anything we heard yelling. We all ran towards the commotion wanting to know what was happening. Although I already had an idea of who was responsibe for making the noise.
Once we made our way to the bull pen I saw Tim and Stanton. Nolan was standing near Tim trying to calmhim down and stop him from hurting Stanton. "You assaulted my wife and arrested her for no reason." Tim yelled, not even trying to hide the hatred and disgust he held for Stanton. "She was being hostile and aggressive. I used necessary force." Stanton said.
"Necessary force, my ass." Tim yelled, trying to advance forward, but Nolan stood infront of him trying to calm him down. I knew that Nolan wouldn't be able to stop him so I walked up to him. I was determined to calm him down, not wanting him to put his job on the line, knowing how much he loved it.
Once I was standing in front of him, I put my hand on his face. His eyes quickly snapped his head towards me. Once his eyes landed on me is whole demenor changed. His expression changed to one of concern, and the anger in his eyes quickly melted away. He pulled me into a hug, I could feel him let out a sigh of relief. I smiled and felt myself melt into his warm and safe embrace. After a minute or so, we pulled back. However, before he could ask all of the questions I knew he was going to ask, we heard some speaking behind me. I turned around to see what was happening. Jackson's dad had showed, he made his way over to Stanton and asked him for badge and gun, pending a full investigation. He quicly handed them over and left. After that th rest of the station went back to normal. John, Lucy, Jackson, Grey, and John's TO Nyla made their way to the role call room. Tim and I also made our way over. Once we were in their everyone who hadn't already asked, started asking if I was okay. I answered, telling them I was fine, and hugging John and Nyla, asking them how them and their kids are doing.
Once that was over Tim asked me how I was and if we needed to go to the hospital. I let out a laugh and smiled at his concern. I told him I'm fine. Grey told them that they could leave early and he called in the next shift early. They all let out cheers. John suggested that we should all go round to his house for drinks, and everyone agreed.
We all went to John's and hung out for a while. Tim stayed sitting on my left side as I talked to everyone. Jackson came and sat down on the right side of me. "I'm sorry, I didn't stop. I tried but he didn't listen. I should have tried harded maybe if I did you wouldn't have been hurt." I went to reply but Tim beat me to it. "It's not you're fault. He would have done it either. The only difference if he would repremanded you and been angrier which meant he could have hurt y/n even more. You did the right thing I'm glad you were there. Because if he had tried to hit her or anythign like that I know you would have stopped him. You're gonna be a great cop once you finished your days of being a rookie."
He's right it's not your fault, I don't blame you. You did everything you could. I'm glad you were there, because everyone probably would have just let me in that room for ages, and with you there Tim knew. Like he said you're going to make an amazing cop. You're already an amazing person and one of the best friends I've ever had, apart from John, Lucy and Nyla." He nodded, happy we didn't hold it against him nit that we ever would, he wasn't responsible for his TO's actions. "Thanks. I am gonna go get another drink and then I am gonna come back and we can talk about the new episode of one us is lying." "" Well in that case you better hurry back." I said.
Once he had left Tim pulled me in closer. I turned to look at him. "I was so scaredwhen I got Jackson's message I thought he might have done somethinghorribke to you." I looked up at him. I connected my lips to his, in a slow loving kiss. Knowing he needed to be reassured that I was there with him and night leaving anytime soon.
"You'renot getting rid of me that easy. Till death do us part remembe. You're stuck with me forever." He let our a chuckle. "Wouldn't have it any other way, doll." He leaned down and captured my lips in a kiss again. I smiled into it knowing that I would always be safe with him. He was my safe space. And through him I met the people I now call my family. I wouldn't change it for the world.

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