| 2. Go away! |

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"No Rocco! Give it back!" I shouted at Rocco to give my barbies back.

I don't know why he took them-

"I'll give them back if you stop hitting me with them" He shouted back.

I don't remember hitting him with them?

"You hit me because I didn't make you hot chocolate! And then you hit me because I didn't watch barbie with you!" He exclaimed with my barbies still in his hand.


"Just give them back!" I groaned and jumped trying to snatch the barbies out of his hand but he was to tall for me to reach.

"I'll give them back but..."

"But what!?" I groaned and leaned my head back.

"First you have to give me a hug and a kiss?" He grinned.

I immediately threw myself at him and he picked me up and placed kisses on my cheeks.

I kissed his cheek and patted his head.

"There I gave you a hug and a kiss! Now can I pretty please have my dolls?"

"Oka-" "Nova! It's bed time!" Enzo shouted from the stairs.

"But Enzo!-" "No buts Nova come on let's go" He shouted not listening to my excuses.

I didn't even get to play with my dolls!


Rocco sat me down and gave me my dolls but before I left I hit him with my dolls.

"Hey! What the fuck was that for!" Rocco shouted.

"Rocco stop fucking cursing infront of your sister!" Enzo shouted still waiting for me at the staircase.

"Enzo you're cursing too!" I laughed at his silliness.

"My bad princess but that little sh- fool doesn't follow rules" Enzo chuckled and picked me up.

"Enzo I didn't get to play dolls" I mumbled laying my head on his shoulders.

"Tomorrow's another day to play baby, let's go sleep?" He spoke softly and caressed my hair.

"Okay Enzo , I missed you today" I admitted and tugged my hands closer around his neck.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you today princess, I wanted to come home early but I had a important meeting" He said as we walked to his room.

Even though I had my own room I always slept with one of my brothers.

"Night night Enzo! I love you" I kissed his cheek and got under his blankets.

"Good night mi amor. I love you more" he smiled and kissed my forehead.

He changed out of his suit and into a sweatpants and t-shirt.

"That's means my love right?" I asked him.

"Hm?" He hummed In confusion.

"Mi amor? That means my love right?" I asked him as he got into the bed.

"It means my love , you're correct" He smiled at me softly.

"So I'm you're love?" I asked with a grin.

"From the moment you were born" He nodded his head.
"You have no idea how much I love you. You were all my heart needed" He said as he layed me in his arms and stroked my hair.

I cuddled into him and gave him my special smile.

I closed my eyes and I was out like my barbie light.

"I love you Nova" I heard Enzo whisper.

"Love you too Enzo" I whispered back still being half asleep.

"Nova" A voice called out to me but I was still busy chasing unicorns with a candy cane.

"Nova you gotta wake up now" The person the voice belonged to now shook me awake.

I open my eyes slightly to see Enzo's face.

"Enzo let me sleep" I groaned and stuffed my face into my pillow.

"Okay I guess I'll go alone to the park" Enzo shrugged and got up from the bed.

"THE PARK?!" I scream in excitement.
"Wait I'm up I'm u-" I shout at Enzo wanting him to wait for me when I hear all my brothers running to Enzo's room.

"What's wrong? Did you get hurt?" Roman asked worriedly.

"She doesn't look hurt at all if you ask me" Julius snickered looking half asleep.

"Oh shut up Julius, you're supposed to be up by now." Rocco the coconut punched his shoulder.

"That fucking hurt you asshole!" Julius yelped and punched Rocco in the chest.

Rocco wheezed but quickly stopped due to Enzo's glare.

Haha they're scaredy cats for sure.

I couldn't help but let a loud giggle out and they all looked at me.

"It's not funny" Rocco said looking annoyed.

"Stop laughing Nova! Go play with your barbies instead" Julius snapped.

"Hey you watch how you talk to her" Rocco shoved his arm before walking to me and picking me up.

He was literally mean to me too-

"Let's go sit in the garden hm?" Rocco softly told me as we walked downstairs.

"I didn't mean to laugh it was just that he's hair was making him look like he got electrocuted!" I bursted out laughing at the thought of his hair.

"It's okay I wasn't angry at you anyway" Rocco smiled and kissed my forehead.

We went to the garden and sat on the egg chair , I'm not sure what it's called.

"Talk to me" Rocco said suddenly with a small smile.

"Huh? What do you mean Rocco?" I asked and gave him a frown.

"Tell me about your barbies" He said and of course I told him everything he needed to know.

"... she never went back to the castle again" I finished my story and rested my head on his lap.

"I can't believe Barbie's friend did that" Rocco said in amusement.

"Me too! Now let's go freshen up so we can eat!" I said and tugged his hands.

He stood up and threw me over his shoulders.

We brushed our teeth and Rocco helped dress me into my favorite outfit which was of course a barbie themed one

"I kinda like being carried this way Rocco the coconut" I grinned and slapped his back like it was drums.

"Rocco the what?!" Rocco the coconut exclaimed.

"Rocco the coconut!" I shouted whilst being over his shoulders.

"Out of every nickname you chose  Rocco the coconut" He muttered and I just giggled.

"Eat your breakfast Nova otherwise you'll be hungry at the park" Enzo said as he placed my breakfast onto the table.

Rocco sat me in my chair and I began eating my breakfast.

Finally Enzo doesn't have work! I said to myself as I ate my pancakes.


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