I watch willingly but guilt was present in my head. I shouldn't be listening to this. This was none of my business but I couldn't help but stay put.

"Alpha, I don't know. I looked at all your scans. You haven't been making progress but your results haven't worsened—I guess that's progress in a way." The nurse explains.

"Nothing's working. He's taking all of what I have left. You have to do something."  Lexis says, almost begging.

"Alpha, as of right now, I don't have any productive remedies. This substance is just supposed to stabilize your reactants."

What was going on with him? Why wasn't he telling me anything? Was he okay?

    The sound of glass breaking is heard through another room. The familiar sound of Brooke's voice makes me stop my eavesdropping and head into the other room. I walk into the adjacent room to see Brooke on the floor with blood dripping from her hand. Tears clouded her eyes and whimpers escaped her lips.

"Oh my god, Brooke!" I holler grabbing the paper towel near the sink and rushing over to her making sure not to step on any glass.

I kneel down next to her. "Where's the cut? Let me stop the bleeding."

Brooke doesn't answer me, instead she takes her hand and cuffs it with the other.

I widen my eyes at her. "Brooke!" I holler before reaching for her hand.

"No! Get away from me." She orders, keeping her hand to herself.

"Brooke, you're being irrational. Please give me your hand so I can stop the bleeding."

She snatches the paper towel from me before placing the paper on her cut. "Get me the first aid. It's in the bottom left cabinet." She instructs me.

   I walk over to the bottom left cabinet taking the first aid before walking back to her.  I open the box before taking a disinfectant wipe. Before I could even wipe her cut she snatches the wipe from me. I frown not understanding why she didn't want me to help her.

    She wipes her cut with the wipe without even giving me a single glance. I watch as her eyes begin to tear up.

"Brooke?" I question softly. "What's wrong?"

    She shakes her head before sobs came from her mouth. She was unable to talk to me. She was overwhelmed with emotion and I couldn't help but pity her.

"I-I thought--I thought I was over it." She mumbles, her lips trembling.

"Over what?" I question causing her to shake her head once again

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"Over what?" I question causing her to shake her head once again.

"I-I can't t-talk about it. I d-don't know how..." She stutters while trying to speak.

    I take a band-aid from the first aid box and place it on top of Brooke's cut. I scoot closer to her laying my head on her shoulder.

"It wasn't easy for me to open up yesterday. I couldn't find words to describe how I felt, so I drew how I felt. You just need to find ways to cope." I tell her.

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