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Tommys pov
She's been taken from me. I fought like hell to get in that room with her. Now I'm out here covered in her blood. I pace anxiously waiting. I already threatened the doctors about what will come of them if she dies.

"Tommy" Polly says gently. I shake my head still pacing eying the blood on my hands. Her blood. She grabs my wrist "go wash up we'll stay here in case she wakes up" I shake my head "I just found her. I'm not leaving her. Never." "You need to clean yourself off. She shouldn't see you this way" she tells me. I snap "I'm not fuckin goin anywhere. Not while she bloody needs me" she says "you're no use here in this state" "if she dies I need to be here. I should be here. She needs me and I ain't leavin" I say again.

She nods "atleast wash your hands Tommy" and I nod and go do so. I sit back in my seat and Polly asks "you really want her seein ya like that?" I reply "I just need to be here Pol." It takes what feels like days. But someone comes out. "Family of Emma Lynn?" I stand "how is she? She gonna make it?" I ask.

He replies "aye. But she'll be in a lot of pain I reckon. Got the bleeding to stop. She's been stabbed more than I've ever seen someone be. Among other things. Knowin her she'll heal and be alright" he's patched her up before. I say "she awake?" He replies "will be soon I bet. She woke a few times during but we had to keep her still so we sedated her" I nod and ask "and I can go in?" Looking at the door just wanting to see her. Breathing.

I'll worry bout the rest later. Make her comfortable. What matters now is that she's alive. She died in my arms on the way here. Twice. I had to bring her back. He nods and I walk passed him and see her there on a hospital bed. Basically a cot. She deserves better. Something comfortable for her to heal in. She should be home. With me there to care for her. The doctors can be on call. But she shouldn't be here. I sit beside her taking her in. Her skins regained some color. She has scrapes all over er. Her lip split, eyebrow too. Bruising on her body and face. But no swelling. He musta iced it or somethin. Had to have. She's got bandages all over. Not yet bleeding through. There's a handprint on her neck. The anger rolls through my veins. The door opens and I turn and see John. "Make sure they feel what she's feelin and more. Keep 'em alive though. They don't die but by my or her hand. Torture em." He nods "she gonna be okay?" I say "that ain't up to me" silently praying for her to wake and be okay. I need her to be okay. I tell whatever's out there that I know I abandoned faith. And will again. But I need one favor from whatever's out there. Keep her with me. That's all.

John says "she's a strong one Tommy. Strongest woman I've ever met. This'll just be a set back for er. She'll heal. And be good as new. She's as tough as nails. It'll take more than a stalker and his friend to take her" I say "she died. In my arms. I couldn't stop it. It happened. The last thing she would've remembered was the fact that I hurt her...she was gone." Keeping my eyes trained on her. The steady noise of the monitor of her heart beating soothing me. I kiss her knuckles "you can't blame anyone but the pricks that did this Tommy"

"I ran her away. I didn't mean to. But I did. I ran her right into the trap" I sigh. Polly says "you start thinkin like that you'll never stop. And you need to stop. She was in the wrong place and she had this target on her for a while now it seems. There'll always be an enemy waiting to take her. Everyone knows how you need and love her. That's something they'll use. It's the life Tommy. She'll wake and be with us to heal. The gods aren't done with her yet. After all this is her 3rd life now. They're not done. They're not gonna take her. You saw her you should head home now Tommy"

I reply "I'm the first person she should see. So I can explain, apologize,  and give her the option of killing Grace when she is well once more. She needs to hear me, see me. I'm not leaving her. Stop trying to make me" they stay for a bit and talk to her and amongst themselves and I just watch the steady rise and fall of her chest, my eyes moving to her face shortly at times too. Soon night falls and they leave me with her. Nurses try to get me leave but I order them away. I won't be leaving her. Not now, not ever.

His Blinder|| Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now