"So you're really going to be a doctor?" Kat asked, scrunching up her freckle-dotted nose. I nodded.

"Its not that bad, heck, Zac might be able to get me a spot on the Blackhawks medical team." I shrugged, downing a few sips of the warm beverage. "And if not, I've always wanted to volunteer in South America too," I said, setting down the steaming mug. Kat thought for a second and smiled.

"Zac can definately get you that job," Kat said confidently. "You'll land it," She smiled. I crossed my fingers.

"Lets hope so, yeah?" I smiled, tiptoeing to the couch, and turning on the TV. She sunk into the leather seat, grabbing the remote.

"Guests pick first," She smiled, flipping the channels back and forth. She had been looking at the same ten channels within the five minutes. I groaned and slammed my hand on the arm rest.

"God, just pick a channel already!" I shouted.

"Jeez, Have some patience!" She huffed, finally settling on the Animal Planet.

"Aw, I love this show! It has all the puppies!" Kat exclaimed, kicking her feet up and down. I slapped my hand to my forehead and shook my head.

"Why oh why?!" I yelled, looking up at the ceiling.

"Aw look, now its playing with ducklings! The puppies are playing with ducklings!"

I got up, and headed to the bedroom where I got my laptop and Ray Ban glasses. I slid them on and headed back to the couch. I flipped up the Mac screen, where Webmd.com was still up. I copied and pasted some important bullets, to my notes. I clicked out of the page, where a picture of Zac and I was a background. I smiled, and looked at our small red faces, with a rink behind us.

"Since when did you get glasses?" Kat asked, folding her arms.

"Since forever," I joked, and pulled up a picture of a pond I was still editing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kat turning the channel to reruns of a hockey game.

"Whats this?" I asked, looking up into my glasses.

"Colorado and uh, some other team? The, the bluejackets. Ever heard of them? I haven't," Kat said, squinting at the TV.

I stifled a laugh. "Yes Kat I've heard of them." I stated, still smiling about her last comment. She wasn't really big about hockey, she knew most teams though.

"I like the Avalanches a lot though. Greg Landesbog is adorable." She said confidently. I cracked up.

"I think you mean Gabriel Landeskog," I held my mouth from laughing anymore.

"Yeah, whatever. Like it makes a difference!" She waved off. I shook my head.

"Are you sure you're not blonde?" I asked skeptically. Kat glowered at me, and held up a fist. I laughed, and put my arms in the air for surrender.

"I am just kidding!" We both laughed.


"This is so cool!" Kat gushed, sinking into the box seat chairs. She looked like a huge fan-wearing a crazy huge top hat, a foam finger and a jersey. She had bought all of that at the concession stands. She settled the large Sprite into the cupholder, and balanced the french fries and chicken sandwich in her lap.

I sat in the middle of Kat and Patrick Kane's dad who was starting to become my buddy to sit next to. After the National Anthem, They had finally dropped the puck, which was quickly sauced into the Devil's zone.

"Come on boys!" I heard some people yell.

"Aren't you from Jersey?" Mr. Kane asked, turning towards me.

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