Chapter 2 - Revelations

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Flashes of light go past me, dancing and streaking across the haze of my vision. Feet stumble and rush from ear to ear, scattering water in every direction. My chest hurts with each inhale I take; My heart aching with each pump. Wherever I am, it doesn't feel like I'm there, yet I keep moving. But this isn't me.

Unable to properly focus, I can make out a man with a hard hat, scrambling through a building- an old factory. He's running from something, but I can't properly make out from what. Lights flash and streak once more. The sense of danger replaced by a string of comfort. "Y/n, right?" Whose voice is this?..."Y/n.." What was she doing here?.."That's a pretty name.." ...Alice?

"Blackwood?" I quickly snap back to reality. I look around and remember where I last put myself. It's a small room with a giant one-way mirror and a camera aimed right at me. In front of me was Detective Hopkins, a senior investigator from out of town who took part of detailing last night's incident.

Hopkins: "How are you feeling? I know it's been a long night for you, but if you cooperate with me, we can get this done quick. I'm just here for my report." Hopkins is a middle-aged woman, probably nearing mom's age, but doesn't carry a smile. Whatever line of work she's been through probably wasn't worth a couple sleepless nights.

Last night, they were hindered by my eyewitness report and the black bags they found. They thought something went astray and told me to come to the station in the morning to confirm it. It's not like I went delirious and couldn't think for myself. If anything, they still see me as a kid.

Y/n: "It's like I said. They broke in and didn't come out. After that, I saw two flashes. Then the police showed up."

Hopkins: "And you're absolutely positive this is what you saw?"

Y/n: "....Without a doubt.."

After I gave my statement for the second time, I was released with Charlie, who gave me a ride back to his place in Bella's truck. No matter what time of the day, I feel like he never takes off that uniform. I remember him saying before, he wanted to go to college, but his parents got real sick and decided to stay close to home. Nothing more important to him than family.

Charlie: "How you holding up, kiddo? I know it must've been a lot-"

Y/n: "Charlie. It's okay, I'm fine."

Charlie: I-..I know. Just wanted to check up on'ya. Last night just came out from nowhere. Speaking of which.." Charlie goes through the inside of his coat and takes out a brown envelope with a wad of cash sticking out, handing it to me. "Coopers wanted to thank you for watching the kids. Even said they added a bonus." Everything was moving just right.

Arriving at Charlie's house, he checks her glovebox as I exit to get Bella outside. Luckily, she must've heard us pulling up and was already out the door. Before I can say anything, I slip on the icy floor below and slide down the ramp that comes before her stairs.

Bella: "You alright?" She says as she helps me get back up. "You look out of it. They didn't keep you all night, did they?"

Y/n: "Couldn't get a proper rest. Doesn't help I had to arrive early just to give my statement again..." I say, chuckling at my predicament. In reality, I was still traumatized from the horrid lecture my mom gave me about what happened.

Mrs. Blackwood: "Do you really think it was necessary to get involved?!

Y/n: But I cleaned up after myself!"

Mrs. Blackwood: "Yeah, and left the bodies for the police to find. Real smart, Y/n. It's like you want to get caught!... Just stop being reckless...Think of your younger brother.."

☽ 𝓐 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓤𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓽 𝓸𝓯 🌸  Alice Cullen x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum