Chapter 5 - The Aspects of Becoming a Monster

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Alice, you've disappeared from Forks..from me. But why? What made you decide to do it? I felt as if we had something special between us. Something that couldn't break us apart. What happened to that? Everything I had to give is now gone because you have taken it with you. Please. Please say something. Anything. I'd give everything just to hear your voice again.

Message Sent

The door to Bella's room creaked open, Charlie taking a quick peek in before looking back at me.

Charlie: "Just...just see how she's doin'..will you?"

Charlie tries putting up this stoic front that men will do to keep everyone off their back, but it's easy telling how worried he is for her. But who am I to judge? He isn't the only one trying to keep their head up while the world around starts to collapse.

He had called me out of the blue, trying to talk his way into getting to see if I could somehow help his little girl. What he didn't know is that he never needed to try and persuade me. Whatever reason he would've wanted to see me, I'd be there. And now, he needs me now, more than ever and so does Bella.

I slowly push the door open, my shadow appearing within the light coming through the door onto the floor of her dark room. I treaded lightly towards her bed, Bella, breathing heavily in a cold sweat with her arms and legs in different directions. Her sudden movements kept me wondering if she was either awake or if it was her night terrors.

Y/n: "Bella." I whisper, planting a gentle seat at the edge of her bed. "You awake?"

Bella: "Y/n..." She said in a faint voice.

Y/n: "You might not be feeling well..but it's okay..You'll be okay." I affirm as I move strands of moist hair away from her face.

Bella: "You.." Her eyes slightly open to see me. " said it..would be okay.."

I grip her bedsheets into my hand as she said those words.

I did tell her that. I said everything was going to be okay, fully aware that it wasn't, yet I said it with my chest.

Y/n: "I know I did and I'm sorry for lying to you. Guess you don't truly understand someone until it's too late."

Bella: "What...What should I do? I feel like..I lost the world. Edward, he..he didn't say.."

Y/n: "Neither did Alice. But don't worry about it right now. I'm here to help. You don't look too well, so I'm going to have you rest."

Bella: "How?"

Y/n: "Like how I usually get my mom to rest. Think of it as taking a step back and letting your body float across the stars. You'll be fine."

Bella: "Oh..kay.."

I turn around and see Charlie looking back at me. He doesn't understand by what I mean to help Bella, but understands that whatever it is, will work. That he knows, I can guarantee him. He nods to me, taking one last glance at Bella before turning his back and walking out into the hall.

With her eyes already closed, I hover my hand over her head. A purple mist of drifting clouds and sleeping sands fade into view, both above and around us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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