"And Gina," I say moving closer to her, "in high school, you were my first and only girlfriend," I look over at Candy again before saying, "my first real girlfriend and gave me my first kiss" I pause and look at Candy, again, then back to Gina "You are without question one of the toughest, most loyal, most emotionally resilient people I've ever met not just of women but EVERYONE. You stuck with me after every summer after summer after summer when I was chasing Candy like an idiot and every school year you took me back. At the time, I took it for granted, but now, with 20/20 vision I don't understand why you ever did that, I didn't deserve it but I'm glad you did because I was in love with you, too. But the reason I didn't push you to have sex with me, not only because of saving myself for Candy, but because I don't think it was ever meant to be me. The person who you always chose me over, is the person that ended up being your first, this guy." I point at Kenny and then I look over at both him and Chad, "I'll get with you two guys in a second, "but Gina, I don't know about you, but you were the first girl I ever truly loved and nothing will change that.

"And I'll say to both of you, Janine and Gina," I gather them both in front of me, "you both were amazing, amazing girlfriends, but you both became even better friends. And we'll always have an emotional connection on some level but neither of you can discount the love that your men have for you. Which is why I'm glad you both felt nothing when you both kissed me." I kiss both of them on the hand one after the other, "Which brings me to you two guys," I look at Chad and Kenny, "you two are both more than best friends to me; you're both as much brothers to me as Chester is.

"Chad, when I met you in college, we were at odds because we both loved our Janine over here," I motion to Janine while looking at Chad, "but then we realized we had, sorry, have a lot in common. We were, no, we are have the same ideas and the same goals when it comes to law. We both want to cut through the bullshit and see the world for what it truly is; good or bad. I know I talk a lot about red pilling but I learned that from you. You grew up with a behavioral psychologist for a mom and the LAPD's chief detective for your dad. The red pilling you taught me, unfortunately, helped fuel my bitterness and my negativity but it's helped me more than it's harmed. and it helped to finally see things," I look at Candy again, "how they truly are."

"Okay, why do you keep looking at me like that?" Candy asks

"That's a fair question, Candy," I say, "but I'm saving you for last, so sit tight."

"And Kenny, there aren't enough words to describe what you've meant to me,," I say to him with all sincerity, "from when we were kids up until now, no one has had my back for longer than you. You and I are ride or die Kenny. I said you and Chad are like brothers to me, which is true, but Kenny if there was a word to describe a bond stronger than brothers that would be it," I pause for a second and look at Candy, again, "actually, now that I'm saying that out loud, I realize that if you're my brother and Candy is your twin sister, than in some perverse way me having a kid with her is gross, right?" everyone laughs at that except Candy of course who looks frustrated.

Now I bring Chad and Kenny closer to me just like I did Janine and Gina,

"But the two of you need to realize that as as much I cherish both of your friendships, I think you also need to both understand that I do have these emotional connections with Janine and Gina and as long as we all remain in each other's lives, which I really hope we do, those things will always be there." I give each of them a guy hug instead a kiss on the hand (obviously).

"This brings me to address all four of you together." I look at Kenny and Gina, and, Chad and Janine, "if it weren't for the four of you, I'd never get through grieving for my mother. I spent all those years feeling sorry for myself and blaming myself for her death that I was taking you all for granted. I'm sorry and I love you all. Group hug, guys." We all share an emotional hug

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