
"I'll take it from here, Craig." I say, he was on the phone for a second just now, "Thanks for getting everyone here, bro, you and Chris, along with my brother, Chester here, have helped me through this ordeal."

"Wait a second, Donny," Gina interrupts me, "before you start, Janine and I need to ask Chad and Kenny something."

"...Ok...?" I say. I look over at Craig who just shrugs

"What, you two wanna do that now?" Chad's asking the two girls

"It was your idea, Chad." Janine says

"Ok, go ahead," Chad says, "let's just get this over with. But you two remember the conditions, right?" I have no idea what these guys are talking about

"Yeah, sure, just do it." Kenny says.

Then I see both, Janine and Gina, walk toward me and I get a little scared

"You two aren't going to hit me again wi-" I get interrupted by Janine, who instead of hitting me, is kissing me, "Janine wha-", that's all I get out before Gina does the same thing. I am so confused.

"Okay, Chad, you're right," Janine says while looking at me with a blank stare, "it was just the nostalgia, I didn't feel anything. Gina?"

"Same," Gina says, and then she looks over at Kenny, "don't worry, honey, we don't need to call off the wedding." After that, they both walk back to where they were originally standing not before kissing and hugging their respective men.

This kind of threw me off for a second but I got it back.

"Y'know, what? I'm actually glad you two just did that and had that reaction," I begin, "so I'm going to start with you guys but before I do that I have to say something to ALL of you. I owe you each a big apology for what I've put you all through these passed few months and really, these passed few years. And I will get to each of you, individually, because you all deserve that personal touch. That's what I've been trying to come up with all afternoon. You see, Chester and I; along with Neil here, and of course, Gimble," he barks hello, "went down to the City to see our mom. (Don't worry, Neil, I'm not going to mention Russ; no one's asked about him so I won't say anything). I needed some introspection and I needed Chester with me because I needed to ask him what does he think, Lisa, our mother would think. And what did you say, buddy?"

"Kester say Mom say, 'say sorry one on one and all together'." Chester says.

"In case you didn't understand him, he said I should say sorry to each one of you individually because and as a group because that's how our mother did things. And all of you in here, whoever knew her and loved her, agree." I see nods from the ones who knew her

"So that's what I'm going to do," I say, walking toward Janine and Gina, "you two say you felt nothing when you kissed me just now, which is good because it'll help me illustrate several points;

"Janine, I know I was your first and I now know that you know that you were my first," I say, "we'll always have that between us. I'll admit, at the time I was foolishly saving myself for her" I point sideways to Candy, "and Gina, I'll get to you next but that was the only reason, at least in the beginning that I didn't ask you for it. But, Janine, I didn't save myself for her because I met you; I remember meeting you on the first day of freshman year. You were as dorky and nerdy as I was at the start except you were incomparably beautiful and that's how we bonded and it wasn't because I gave up on saving myself for Candy, it's that I fell in love with you enough that you were worth giving that daydream up. We were only together for one year, really, but you gave me, we gave each other, a connection that no one else can take away.

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