Chapter Two

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Kai's P.O.V:


    I hate that guy. The stupid dumbass thought that he could get hot over the summer and steal all my ladies? Oh hell no. I worked hard for all those and now the nerd just smiled and stole them all. What the fuck happened to the scrawny, glasses wearing, braces guy that no one liked? Oh, and to add to the whole fire, my baby sister was staring at him like he saved her fucking life!

Not to mention that his speech was about making school a better, safer environment with no bullying. And I swear, that guy was looking at me the whole time as he admitted that he had a bully! Like, who does this guy think he is?! And who is the other guy that bullies him?! That's my job!

"Kai?" I looked up to see my sister staring at me curiously. All our other friends had already migrated out to the quad but I was still fumming in my seat. "Come on, we gotta go."

"Yeah, yeah, of course." I shrugged, trying to seem as casual as I could as we exited the gym. My anger just built right back up as I saw Walker exit the gym through the back door and run to the parking lot. I wanted to follow him, force him to tell me his other bully so I could- wait, was I the bully he was talking about? No, I couldn't be. I'm not that bad of a bully. I just playfully teased him. 

"Kai, all our friends are in the quad already." Nya sighed. "So calm down, there is no way that Walker's speech was directed at you. And he was not staring at you, he was looking at the student body. Get a grip bro."

I nod, letting out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. Nya always seemed to know exactly what I was thinking and she always made sure to comfort me right away. I once asked her if she was a mind reader but she quickly shot that down. It was a disappointing day, I really wanted to know which fangirls actually liked me or just my hair.

"I'm not a mind reader, Kai," Nya rolled her eyes, walking forward further. "It's just a strong sibling bond that allows me to see the steam floating from your ears. I'm serious dude, get that checked out."

"There is no steam coming out of my ears!" I argue. Nya just laughs softly, nudging me with an eye roll and points to the fire alarm.

"Keep calm if you don't want to set the alarm off."

"I will not set off the fire alarm," I huff, crossing my arms as Nya reached up to pinch my cheeks with a fake pout.

"Aww, how cute. A big baby."

"I hate you," I tell her, entering the quad and setting a course for our regular table that already sat the rest of our friends, besides Harumi who was probably flirting with a TA or something. She always does that at the start of the year, seeing which TA will give her extra credit or the test answers. Every year it is zero but that doesn't stop her.

"Finally decided to join us?" Griffin joked as Nya and I sat down. Nya was staring out into the distance with a fond smile as Vania talked to her about heaven knows what. Cole was just gazing at her lovingly. You know, I used to be bothered by it but I honestly just find it comforting that Nya isn't interested in any guy. My whole family even questioned Nya's sexuality or if she was even attracted to anyone romantically.

"Where's Rumi?" I asked, wondering where the buzzing bee went. Morro shrugged.

"We're honestly not sure—we're trying to enjoy our down time while it lasts. God knows what Harumi will announce when she comes back."

"Hopefully it's some test answers." Griffin muttered under his breath. I sigh, laughing slightly before patting my buddy's back.

"Knowing Harumi, it's anything but test answers." I tell him as he and Morro laugh. Vania is just talking away to Nya as she zones out. Cole stands up, catching everyone's attention but Nya's as he goes and sits next to her.

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