Chapter One

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Nya's P.O.V:

A soft knock on the door stirred me from my peaceful sleep. Then a louder knock followed along with the morning screech of my Mother. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mother but it was crystal clear that she hasn't had her coffee yet.

"Up, up, up!" Maya Smith, my mom, screeched from outside my door. She knocked one last time before moving on down the hallway and into my older brother's room. I groaned, flipping myself off on my stomach to check the time displayed on my alarm clock.

6:30 am. Seriously?

"Nya! Wake up, my waterlily!" My mother called again, knocking again. "First day back at school! Can't be late!"

"I'm up," I sigh, slipping out from under my blankets and into the cold around me. Damn, I really shouldn't have worn shorts and a tank to bed. Shuddering slightly, I walked quickly over to my closet and chose the first day of school outfit Mom had set out for me. She does this every year because Kai and I can't seem to pick out half decent clothes. Her words, not mine. Although, Kai does dress like a slob.

I grabbed the clothes and my towel that hung on the back of my door and scurried into my ensuite bathroom. Quickly setting the shower and setting my music up before hopping into the water myself. A nice warm shower to wake myself up.

My shower was short, in and out after washing both my hair and body. I jumped out, making sure all my blinds were closed before dressing into the black skirt and dark blue cropped t-shirt my mom chose. Her style wasn't half bad.

I chose to put my hair up in its usual high ponytail except I decided to curl the ponytail. Not what I would normally choose but hey, first days of school. And, I didn't have swim practice after school this week so I didn't have to worry about staying product free. I am the captain of the girls swim team. I have been since my halfway through my sophomore year. The previous captain ended up in the hospital and wasn't allowed to participate in sports for a couple months and when she did get better it was only for graduation. I am going into my senior year now.

Technically, I was supposed to be going into my junior year but I skipped grade eight and joined my brother's class. His friends found it hilarious that Kai's baby sister got to skip a grade and still have higher grades than him. Dad finds it hilarious too but Mom's just disappointed that he learned more yet is so stupid. She never says this but everyone can tell.

Walking out of the bathroom, I grab my black heels and backpack before walking down stairs and into the kitchen. Kai Smith, ever the moron, was actually attempting to eat Mom's cooking. A burnt waffle that Kai drowned in maple syrup and crispy bacon. Wanna know how I know it's crispy? Well, you see, because Kai can't even bite through it. I just set down my bag and walked over to the coffee machine to get a black coffee. I know that they taste like shit but hey, it wakes me up officially.

"Look who decided to join us," Kai smirked at me before trying to chomp away on his bacon. Ray Smith, my Dad, offered me a plate of waffles and fruits. No bacon. I am a proud vegetarian. Kai, as you can tell, is not a vegetarian. One could argue that he is 100% a carnivore.

That one is me.

"Look who decided to take a night off of parties." I argue, sitting down at the large island before lacing up my black heels. You see, I am 5'2 so I can wear heels and still be shorter than all the guys I hang out with. Those consist of Cole Brookstone, Kai's best friend since the third grade, Griffin Turner and Morro Gust. Griffin is the captain of the track team, Morro is the captain of the male's swim team and Cole is the captain of being a fucking creep.

Not really, he's the captain of the wrestling team but he is also a creep. I mean, Cole is a really sweet guy and such a great friend but he doesn't understand the word 'friends'. I've made out with him at a couple parties, both being friends with the popular crowd. With that friend group it is kinda a given we go to parties a lot, a lot. Anyway, well now he thinks I have a stupid crush on him, which I don't. He's literally just a good kisser.

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