Chapter Four

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 Jay's P.O.V:

She was beautiful.

Absolutely beautiful. She had long black hair that she pulled up into a high ponytail, which fit her perfectly. And she didn't try those fake freckles most girls here do, but she did have the cutest beauty mark below the outer corner of her right eye. Ocean blue eyes that seemed to knock the life out of me as she laughed. Gumdrop, her laugh. She was beautiful.

But it wasn't her looks that attracted me, it was the way she held herself. As if nothing could knock her down. I admired her. She had so much confidence in herself and others but she wasn't cocky or arrogant. She was kind and didn't just shove past me like others do. She stopped and helped me. And she was perfect. Everything about her was perfect.


A perfect name for a perfect girl.

"Earth to Jay," A hand zooms past my vision, turning my vision over to my best friend. Zane Julian, smart ass.

Zane is currently tied for smartest kid in the whole school. Not just in our year, the whole school. I've known him for years, he transferred here in grade five. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if instead of Zane a really handsome, buff guy showed up and decided to be my best friend instead. Like, sure, I love Zane but why couldn't I have gotten Ryan Reynolds. I mean, come on, did you see him in 'Free Guy'?

"Jay, you're zoning out again." Pixel Borg, Zane's super smart girlfriend. She is who he has been tied with since the moment he arrived. Pixel and I have been friends since kindergarten, another reason I was bullied. For only being friends with one girl. She's awesome though, takes things a little too seriously but who doesn't.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I sigh softly, following my friends as we make our way through the school. I hate Mondays. Not for school, no I love school. I hate my bullies. They happen to go to school on Monday's. And every other day of the week.

There really is no escape.

"About your mystery girl?" Zane questioned quietly. I learned a long time ago that Zane should not be trusted with secrets. Definitely not be trusted with secrets. I mean, he seems like he would be great at keeping secrets but in reality, he sucks.

"No, Zane, I'm thinking about the bologna sandwich my Ma made me for lunch." I replied, sarcastically. Zane and Pixel just nodded in understanding.

"Ahh, that makes more sense. Thank you." Why do I even try?

I stop at my locker, waving my friends on as they walk into our first period class. Speech class. I took it last year so I could learn how to be a better presenter. Then this summer while I was on my Paris vacation with my parents they had convinced me that signing up for the ASB president role would be a great idea. It was not a great idea but I couldn't back track because they had sent me an email right away saying that I got the job because no one else bothered to sign up.

I'm sorry if my sentences get too long, I love talking. Zane often tells me that I can never stay on topic - which is probably why Ki Smith is eyeing me like his next meal right now. Oh, life as ASB president who is hated by the most popular guy in school. You know what, I have been hiding in fear from Kai way too long. I am going to own it! I'm sure plenty of guys wish their bully was as cool, popular, athletic, buff and as scary as mine. I should feel pride that I ended up with the best bully out there. I might even get Kai a gift.

Closing my locker, I walk over to the speech class. Zane and Pixel are always the first in class, and today I happen to be next. Slowly, the class starts to fill up with students. Zane and Pixel always sit up at the front, which is not useful if you want the teacher to pick on you. Also, never sit at the back, the teachers will pick on you for being at the back. But in the middle, away from your teacher petting friends - oh lemondrop, that sounds bad. I didn't mean it like that, they're just both teachers' pets. We had extra long desks that sat two people each. It saved some space but was not ideal from third wheels, like me. Zane and Pixel sat together as I sat alone, hoping someone would take the spot. No one did, however.

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