Allie could not help but heat up a little at the feeling of him and their desiring kiss. She let him control the moment, since she knew he felt like he was losing it.

She'd allow the delusion until she wanted it back.

He broke the kiss and rested his forehead onto hers.

"Allie, I love you. I want to be with you." His face softened at his admission, the love he was speaking of showing through his dark eyes.

Allie could only stare in disbelief.

Is he out of his fucking mind?

Love was the absolute last thing on her mind. She lacked that emotion, and for good reason. She saw what it did to people, how it could control them.

How it could destroy them.

With anger coursing through her veins, Allie ripped herself out of his grasp before leaning toward him, her face inches from his.

The action was far from the loving one Gavin had displayed moments before.

"I do not love you. I never have and I never will. I told you from the start I wanted no love. Just some friendly company and sex. You pushed the title of a relationship on me. You want something more, I don't." Pulling away, she watched his features go from shock to utter devastation.

"Alice..." He whispered.

"Do not call me that!" she snapped. Turning away, Allie grabbed her shoes and headed to the door. "Goodbye, Gavin."

Allie slammed the door on her way out.

She was fuming. The sheer balls of him using her birth name, how he even found out was beyond her.

Disgust crawled up her skin at the thought of the people who gave her that name.

Sick fucking bastards.

Glancing at her phone, she blanched at the time.

I'm late! I'm late!

Slipping on her heels, Allie rushed down the hallway to the elevators.

She stopped in front of the silver doors and hurriedly pushed the red button that was shaped like an arrow pointing down.

"Come on, come on!" She huffed angrily, crossing her arms over her chest and tapping her toes.

After a minute, the doors opened and she hurriedly stepped through, immediately pressing the Lobby button.

The doors closed, giving her the opportunity to use the mirrored inside to look over her appearance.

Allie smoothed out the unseen wrinkles in her dress, then brought her hands up to her face, making sure her makeup was not smeared from her unsatisfied rendezvous.

She paused to stare at her light blue eyes.

Such bored, sad eyes.

Allie blinked just as the tears started to fill up and distort her image. She shook her head and blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of the unwanted wetness threatening to spill over.

She did not have time to dwell, she had an important meeting to get to.

The elevator dinged loudly before opening the doors. Allie rushed past and speed walked through the lobby out the front door.

"Goodbye, Allie," an older voice rasped out, making her stop on the steps.

Allie twisted around to see none other than her favorite person, the front door man George.

Allie in WonderlustWhere stories live. Discover now