Start from the beginning

    "I wish I never met that sorry son of a bitch."

    "I thought he loved me. Just the day before I caught him cheating, he told me he did."

"He talked about marrying me. Was that a lie? Was everything a lie?"

    "What did I ever do wrong to him? All I did was please him. Every. Single. Day. Yet, he still went behind my back with another girl."

     "How could he do this to me? To us? How..."

The last piece of broken glass silences. I sigh out of relief, dragging my shaky hands across my face. Never again do I want to hear my thoughts in any place but my mind.

I disdainfully gaze down at the glass littering the ground. Some of the light pours in from the circular window above, hitting the glass and splaying little rainbows across the room. It almost feels therapeutic to know that beautiful colors can still be created by the glass that had once held my own vile thoughts.

My attention switches away from the broken glass and to the striking view provided by the glassless window. I dare to stick my head out of the window and look down, only to be met with a terrifying drop into a watery pit that's filled by the various waterfalls flowing from the mountains.

One wrong move and I'll be sent falling to my death. I shudder, and a single step is taken away from the window. My other foot, which is still kissing the edge of death's door, goes to retreat, but I halt upon the sound of a floorboard creaking not too far from me. I turn myself to face my visitor. My gaze falls onto Aeolus before it begins to tilt to the roof. At the uncanny feeling of nothingness greeting the pads of my feet, I come to realize that I have fallen past death's door.

Loud, howling wind pushes my hair into my face, blinding me as I scream, desperately stretching my hands outward for any hopes of grasping onto something that may save me. My hand brushes against something that feels like silk before my plummeting ceases.

A hard grip encases my wrist, making me open my eyes to see Aeolus hovering above me. He's held upward by a bundle of wind centered beneath his feet while I'm left with just his hand to keep me from falling.

    "Do you wish to be left to the krakens lying in wait for you in the deep waters or do you wish to continue living your pathetic life?"

Yet another one of his annoying questions greets me in a life-or-death situation. Honestly, I don't believe I'll ever choose the death route. I mean, I'm only twenty-two, and I still have a whole life ahead of me. There's no way I'll let it end because of some stupid elf.

I stare up into his blue eyes teeming with mockery, answering him, "Let me live my pathetic life!"

A moment of thought passes over him before he looks from my fear-stricken face to the drop below. For a moment, I almost think he might pull me up. What a foolish thought that was.

The absence of a hand around my wrist rips a scream from my throat as I return to my former plummet. My body twists and turns in the monstrous winds beating me around in every which way. Only when I feel the tips of my toes dip into burning cold water, am I suddenly brought upward.

Arms hook beneath my legs and back, and fingers lightly press into my goose-bump-littered skin. The sickening touch that has saved me from my death belongs to none other than Aeolus. No expression of gratitude comes from me, instead, I chose something much more fitting for the twisted elf smiling down at me.

"You're a complete psycho and a damn bastard! I've done nothing to deserve this shitty treatment!" I yell at him, glaring into his eyes that practically mirror the sky above.

My F*cked Up FairytaleWhere stories live. Discover now