
After Dani left the hotel, Verona was informed to make her way to her appointment with the fashion designers to pick a dress for the summit that was the next day, on Sunday. Venetziano was accompanying her.

When Verona reached the car park, she saw her brother next to their car surrounded by bodyguards "My appointment with the fashion designers is not around this time of the day... We are going to be early...."

Venetziano said "I changed your appointment. We go early. I need to catch up with Ottavio."

Verona asked "How did you change my appointment? Do you know how long is the waiting list for private fittings and hair and make up sessions at that place?"

Venetziano said as he looked at his watch "Get in the car Verona... We dont have all day..."

Verona sighed and got in.

After Venetziano sat down in the car and the car started moving, Verona asked "Venetziano can you answer my question? How did you change the appointment or did you change it at all? If we just show up before the allocated time they wont see us... Why leave early?"

Venetzinao said "I dropped by at that place in person before I came here since they didnt pick up the phone... It wasn't hard to get the appointment changed... The appointment card is right there in the storage compartment next to your seat..."

Verona sighed and picked up the appointment card. She was sure that place was going to blacklist her now. Venetziano must have threatened and intimidated the fashion designers into changing her appointment. And for what? So he could spend more time with Ottavio?

Verona looked outside the window. Men in her world were hard to understand.

Verona sighed. Then something got Verona's attention. There was a gold membership card right where she had picked up the appointment car from next to her seat. The card must have been under the appointment card and she hadn't noticed it before. She picked it up and read it. It was her name. She whispered "Where did this card come from? My name is on this card? Did the fashion designers you met this morning give this card to you to give to me?"

Venetziano said as he was reading "Yes..."

Verona asked "Did you manage to get me lifetime membership? There is waiting list for that... A very long one even though the membership is quite expensive too..."

Venetziano shrugged as he was reading "I didn't get you that card.... They issued it... And its free..."

Verona was looking at Venetziano with her mouth open "They offered this for free? Do you know what this card is? It's worth thousands of dollars a year. Free fittings, all day every day appointment availability in all branches and free samples and alot more benefits..."

Venetziano said "But there is no time compensation included on the list of these benefits you mentioned. Is there? They said I shouldn't have to drop by again in person if there are any issues and this card should take care of any matters such as change of appointments efficiently... They said there is a special telephone line for members so next time there wont be delays... That remains to be seen..."

Verona shook her head. These people did not want to meet Venetziano again so they had offered her this membership. She could not blame them.

Venetziano shook his head as he looked outside the window "What kind of apology do they call this membership card? They wasted my time. I should have been able to change your appointment over the phone and not drop by in person... Let's hop there are no delays when we get there.... I need to catch up with Ottavio afterwards..."

Verona Rosario (Book 5: A Mob Boss's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now