Antauri's Masters

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~Shouko's POV~

The deep waters of the harbor of Shuggarzoom.

The Monkeys, Chiro and I were in our stations of the Super Robot, looking for an ancient sea demon, under the name 'Achulu'. If we don't handle the demon now, he'll make Shuggarzoom the new sunken city.

"Where is he?" Chiro asked. "Achulu's gotta be around here, somewhere."

"The entity is curiously invisible to our radar scans." Gibson noticed, as he reconfigured the scans, "Setting to a higher frequency."

The sonar scans heightened. I looked over the scan through my visor. Lot of fish down here.

"I say we wait him out on the surface." Sparx spoke up, "I don't like this."

Otto activated his receptors, "I got hyper-sonar contact." Then alarmed, "It's coming right at us!"

I looked at the scans and something large was coming from behind us. The Robot turned and saw the demon.

"It's on the attack!" Antauri notified, "Readying Torso Cannons!"

"Fire!" Chiro shouted.

The Torso Cannons fired at Achulu, but it protected itself and the blasts didn't even tickle it. The demon charged and grabbed the Robot's head.

"It's got Antauri and Shouko!" Nova cried.

Achulu ripped the head off the Super Robot, knocking Antauri and I out of our positions. Achulu put the head in its mouth and swam off.

"Disengaging Underwater Armor Mode!" I shouted, as my station put my in an armored wetsuit, rebreather helmet and my rocket pack. The orb opened and shot me out.

"Activating Brain Scrambler Mode." Antauri announced and flew out of the demon's mouth.

"Monkey Team. Shouko and I are free." He told the Team, "We're returning to-"

Then intense pain surged through me. I gritted my teeth and clutched my head, as a green flame enveloped me. It burned.

"Something's wrong with the Power Primate!" Chiro groaned in pain.

Power Primate, what's wrong? Is something hurting you? Tell me!

The pain intensified to the point my very bones felt like they were burning and getting shocked by dark energy. I seethed and got Achulu's attention. I couldn't hear and see anything.

I screamed and released a powerful wave of energy at Achulu. Achulu protected itself, but my explosion left a mark. My body felt limp and I blacked out.


~Chiro's POV~

The pain subsided, but Shouko looked like she was still in pain. Gibson and Sparx were able to return Antauri back to the Super Robot.

"Antauri, are you okay?" Nova asked.

"I'll be fine." Antauri answered.

Shouko screamed and released an explosion of black and green energy at Achulu. Similar to Nova's explosion. It was hurting the demon. How much power does one girl have?

The flame faded and Shouko blacked out.

"Shouko!" Antauri and I cried in worry.

Sparx quickly grabbed her and put her into the Command Center, "I got her."

Achulu charged toward the Super Robot.

"Come on, Team. Let's make seafood out of this squid-bag." Otto encouraged.

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