The Lords of Soturix 7

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~Chiro's POV~

Shouko and I stood in the middle of a forest, at the dead of night. Waiting for something to coming.

"Okay now. Just remember to focus. Think like a monkey." I muttered to myself.

Ash and I took a stance as a large light purple ape arrived. It threw a punch at us. Ash was able to jump out of the way, but I was too slow and got knocked back into a tree.

The ape beat its chest and attacked again. This time, Shouko and I were able to dodge. Shouko frog-leaped over the ape's head. But I tried to keep my distance and ended backing up until I reached the edge of the cliff.

The ape grabbed my arm and hung me over the edge, ready to finish me off.

I quickly shouted, "Alright. Alright. You got me! I quit!" Then sighed, "End training program."

Nova and Snow moaned in disappointment.

The ape moved me away from the edge and dropped me on a patch of grass. The scenery faded back to the training room. The ape's image switched off to reveal a mechanical ape with Nova as its pilot.

Maybe I should explain a few things. We've been flying through the galaxy for some time now. Nova thought it would be good for Snow and I to catch up with our training and have a better understanding of the Inner Primate and the White Monkey.

Back in the Hidden Fortress, I was able to summon an astral body of a giant green ape, and use it to get the others and I through one of the defense systems. But I haven't been able to summon it again. And neither has Snow with the White Monkey, since she used it to take out Skeleton King.

So Nova was training us on how to think like monkeys and understand how to summon the astral bodies upon command. So far, not much luck.

Nova exit the mechanoid ape and landed in front of Snow and I, as I got back to my feet.

"I tried everything, Nova." I told her, "Every move you taught me. And it still wasn't enough."

"Tapping into your Inner Primate isn't just about going through the moves, Chiro." Nova explained, "You have to do what Snow does. Care deeply. Feel strongly. Unleash the animal inside."

She wrapped her tail around my ankles and tripped me over before I could react. I fell on to my back.

I recovered and looked at Nova, "Easy for you to say. You're an animal." Then sighed, "I've had enough. I'm done."

Nova put her hands on her hips, "Chiro..."

Snow helped me back to my feet, "We're all animals on the inside. We just need to dig a little deeper."

Then Antauri appeared on the computer, "Chiro. Shouko. Nova. We pinpointed the source of the distress beacon."

Oh, we were also tracking a distress beacon too.

Ash and I exit Hypermode and made our way to the Command Center. The Central Computer was narrowing the coordinates to the distress beacon.

"Alright, Antauri. Talk to me." I told Antauri.

"The signal is emanating from Soturix 7. An uninhabited planet skirting the outer-rim." He answered.

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