Secret of the Sixth Monkey

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~Shouko's POV~

It was a quiet day in Shuggarzoom City. And this time a good quiet. To help with our training, Antauri decided to run one of our previous encounters with a monster. The eyeball monster that attacked over a month ago. We were losing and pinned against a building.

I will never forget how useless I felt when those spikes trapped the Super Robot's movement. I bet the Super Robot felt the same.

Antauri paused the video as the monster charged toward us, "At this point, we appeared to be doomed. Would anyone like to explain how we came to this?"

Most of us thought for a second, then Nova answered, "My reflexes were too slow."

"My aim was off." Otto noticed.

"My calculations were too faulty." Gibson sulked.

"The Super Robot and I were out of synch." I answered, folding my arms in shame.

The only ones that didn't answer were Sparx and Chiro. Sparx was polishing his magnet with a smile. We glanced at him.

"My... Feelings exactly." Sparx answered, "They all messed up."

I folded my arms, "Don't forget, Sparky. Your reaction timing was two seconds off."

Sparx looked at me with the same look when I called Gibson 'Blue'.

Chiro smiled and spoke up, "Hey. Let's not forget how this came out."

He resumed playing the video and it revealed that he used the Lasertron Fury to take out the monster and emerged victorious. Chiro bowed in pride.

Antauri switched off the video and cleared his throat, "Yes. Well, my intention, Chiro, was to identify our weaknesses and thereby learn where we need improvement."

Chiro casually shrugged, "I don't know." Then smiled, "As team leader, I'd say I was pretty good."

I silently sighed and shook my head. Being team leader also means that nothing is about you. Chiro's letting his ego get the better of him.

"Very well..." Antauri answered, then turned to the rest of us, "For those of us, who were not-so-good, I have an assignment. I want each of you to come up with one new battle move."

The rest of us nodded. We used the elevators the reach our quarters and practice on our assignment.

"So, you're really not gonna come up with a new move?" Otto asked Chiro.

Chiro shook his head, "Hey, I've got enough moves, and they're working just fine."

He started showing off. The Monkeys and I entered our quarters to start on our assignment.

Once the door was closed, I started pacing in thought. So far, the moves I have are Shadow Haze, Phantom Strike, Specter Claw, Nether Shield, Monkey Fu and Phantom Shade.

Shadow Haze, Specter Claw and Phantom Shade are physical moves. Nether Shield is an energy defensive move. Monkey Fu and is and Phantom Strike are energy attacks. I need to even myself out. Come up with another energy move.

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