The Skeleton King Threat

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~Shouko's POV~

Finally, a monster-free day to do something we've been meaning to finish.

Gibson was working on the control console, talking the primate tongue into the microphone. The translator, we all have been working on, activated and started translating the chirps in seconds.

"It's working." Gibson smiled, "The hyper translator has, at last, de-coded our advance primate language for simple human comprehension."

I clapped my hands, "Way to go, Gibson."

Chiro nodded with a smile, "This is great. The people of Shuggarzoom will finally be able to understand you guys."

"Whoohoo! Let's order take-out!" Otto cheered.

"Actually, Otto, I've already prepared a rather important, educational presentation." Gibson interjected.

"Uh-oh. Let me guess." Sparx spoke up, "You're gonna blab about all our crazy adventures, right?"

"You got something better to say, Sparx?" Nova asked him.

Sparx nodded, "Yeah. Tell the people we don't like bananas!"

"Perhaps we can all learn something from Gibson's work." Antauri spoke up.

I nodded in agreement, "I agree with Antauri. The people of Shuggarzoom need to know what Gibson has put together."

Gibson nodded, "Thank you." Then looked at me, "I'm going to be needing you in the Simulator, before we begin."

I nodded in understanding and used my elevator to the Body-Sync Simulator. I put my visor over my eyes and powered up the Simulator.

I started hacking into Shuggarzoom's power grid, and connected the Super Robot's signals to the radio and television antennae within the city.

"Okay, Gibson. The signals are ready when you are." I notified.

"Activating hyper translator broadcast." Gibson replied.

The signal traveled across the grid. A loud alarm went off, catching the attention of the citizens of Shuggarzoom.


The televisions switched on to the Monkeys and Gibson spoke, "Citizens of Shuggarzoom City. I am Mr. Hal Gibson. Science Officer of the Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce. As you know, our city is ever under siege by a diabolical force of darkness."


I entered an image of the Skeleton King towering over the city. His laugh echoing across the speakers. The citizens cowered.


I switched the screen back to Gibson, as he continued, "The time has come for you to be initiated into the hidden secrets of our evil enemy. It is time you are prepared for... The Skeleton King Threat."


The citizens calmed and started talking amongst each other. Their eyes not leaving whatever screen was in front of them. They were listening.

This is good.


Gibson walked over to the Central Computer of the Command Center, "Foremost among the Skeleton King's threats is the Level 1 Monster attack." He pointed to an image of the Super Robot being attacked by Flytor, the lava squid and a mutant giant cyclops creature, "These creature-based assaults on the city have one goal; Chaos and destruction."

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