Hunt for the Citadel of Bone

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~Shokou's POV~

Here we go again. We've been receiving distress calls from one of the deepest regions in the galaxy, within an asteroid field. They kept talking about something attacking their ships, so the Monkeys, Chiro and I decide to investigate what was going on.

"Maintain a safe distance from the field, Sparx." Antauri told Sparx, as Sparx piloted the Super Robot's searchlights.

I piloted the rest of the Robot via the Body-Sync Simulator. A stray asteroid hit the side of the Super Robot's head.

I felt the pain and rubbed the side of my head, "Ow..."

"Oops." Sparx muttered with a sheepish chuckle.

This symbiotic bond with the Super Robot can be a little bit annoying at times, but it proves this bond is deeper than it seems.

That static virus infecting me as well. Feeling pain when I'm away from the Robot. It feels like we're part of each other. Like twins sharing the same heart. Or two bodies with the same soul.

"It's gotta be in there, somewhere." Chiro spoke up, then asked Gibson, "Got anything, Gibson?"

"There are just too many." Gibson answered, "I calculate the odds of locating a single rogue asteroid among the millions as... Well... Astronomical."

"Or even 'asteroid-nomical'." Otto added with a smile. Gibson gave him a look. Otto shrugged, "What? That's a word."

I suppressed a giggle. The Little Joker's at it again. Then I felt a cold jolt run through me.

I activated my station's holographic projector and told everyone, "Guys, I just felt something inside the field. It's heading toward us!"

"That's it!" Chiro gasped, then instructed, "Charge the weapons!"

Nova activated the Torso Cannons. Upon view of the Central Computer, the object appeared to be a large, sharp piece of rock, but it looked very familiar. A fragment of the Citadel of Bone.

The fragment flew off. The Robot chased after it.

"Nova, don't let it get away!" Chiro told Nova.

Nova nodded, "I'm all over it!" Then focused, "Come on... "

Then something bigger appeared in front of us. I made the Super Robot come to a stop.

What appeared in front of us was a large red ship, styled like a shark or a large fish. It was badly damaged.

"Holy Shuggarzoom!" Chiro exclaimed in surprise.

"Was that a ship?" Otto asked.

"We're losing the fragment!" Gibson alarmed.

"Leave it, Gibson." I told him.

Chiro nodded, "Ash's right. Let's check out this wreck. May be survivors."

The Super Robot took a closer look at the wreckage of the ship. Something attacked it recently and hit all the main parts of the ship.

Painted on the side of the ship, facing us, was an image of a cowgirl in blue riding a shooting star. Next to it was written 'Last Chance' in cursive writing.

"There's something familiar about this ship." Sparx noticed, "But I don't see anybody."

"I don't sense anyone either." I spoke up.

"Bio-signs are negative." Antauri reported, "It appears we are too late."

Then something appeared close to the outside camera. Everyone took a step back in startle. It looked like a spacesuit, and it was drifting away from us.

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