Ape New World

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~Shouko's POV~

"You know, Hyperboost Warp-Tunnels might not be scenic, but they do get you across the galaxy fast." Chiro noted, "We'll be back in Shuggarzoom City in no time."

The Monkeys, Chiro and I have spent nearly the whole day in space. I can't say for certain why, but with no current threats from Skeleton King, Chiro thought it would be a good idea to take the Super Robot for a spin and explore the galaxy a bit.

Right now, we were taking a Hyperboost Warp-Tunnel back to Shuggarzoom. The Warp-Tunnels are an invented space anomalies that allow travel to more efficient. Basically like jumping into Hyperspace. Cuts the time of traveling by 85 percent.

To help relax, Chiro and I were watching the window as the green waves of the Warp-Tunnel passed us.

Nova and Sparx were playing a holographic monster brawler game.

"Not before I whip Nova." Sparx spoke up.

"Dream on, Sparx." Nova smirked.

Antauri and Gibson were playing hologram chess.

"I, too, calculate victory. In less than six moves." Gibson agreed, moving a red pawn over the board.

Antauri smiled, "Perhaps you, too, are dreaming, Gibson."

Otto uninstalled Gibson's left ear with a wrench. Gibson noticed and shouted, "Otto! What are you doing?!"

Otto dropped down from the ceiling and answered, "Upgrading your comm receptor's long-distance capabilities."

He reinstalled Gibson's ear and tuned it. Otto smiled, "All done."

"Give it a try, Gibson." I encouraged.

Gibson fiddled with his ear. It opened and the satellite dish activated. It was larger than before. Gibson lost his balance and fell over.

"Oh, yeah. I probably ought to counter-balance for the extra mass." Otto noted sheepishly, then smiled, "Who else wants one?"

The other Monkeys stayed quiet. Gibson got back to his feet, "Oh yes. They're lining up, Otto." He answered in a sarcastic tone. He lost his balance and fell over again, "A little help, please?"

I grabbed a laser tool and reconfigured Gibson's receptor functions. The dish withdrew and Gibson was able to get back to his feet.

Gibson smiled at me, "Thank you, Shouko."

I smiled back, "It's what I do."

Then the Super Robot's alarm went off. The Central Computer switched off the window and showed something approaching the Robot.

"We've got a hostile!" Nova alarmed, "And it's coming up fast!"

"An attacker at Hyperboost speeds? That's impossible!" Gibson exclaimed.

The vessel fired laser weapons right into the back of the Super Robot. I yelped in pain and fell on my knees. The hull shook and the alarm blared.

"Not for Skeleton King." Chiro spoke up, "Monkeys mobilize!"

With that, Chiro and I entered our Hypermode. The Monkey Team, Chiro and I entered the Super Robot and used the color-coded elevators to our stations.

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