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~Shouko's POV~

Okay... This is getting really weird. The forecast said nothing about snow the whole week. The next day, a whole blanket of snow covers Shuggarzoom City. Either we're lucky, or something's wrong here. Very wrong...

"I can't believe it. Snow in Shuggarzoom?" Chiro gasped with a smile.

The Monkeys, Chiro and I were outside the Super Robot, taking a closer look at the snow.

Chiro was wearing a faded orange jacket, blue scarf and gloves. I wore a black hooded poncho with a green spider web design and snow boots.

"An intriguing climate condition." Antuari nodded, "For a city that has not seen frost in centuries."

Gibson raised a brow, "Perhaps I should analyze the-" He got hit in the eye by a snowball. "Snow!"

"Just helping you get a closer look." Sparx smiled. Him and and Otto were in front of a snow fort.

Gibson shook the snow off his eye and smirked, "That wasn't very bright, Sparx."

He summoned his drills and sucked in some of the snow. Gibson shot snowballs at Sparx and Otto. Otto and Sparx quickly jumped behind the fort.

"Hey! No fair!" Sparx shouted.

Otto cheered and threw another snowball back at Gibson, "Snowball fight!"

The only one that wasn't enjoying this weather was Nova. She remained inside, with her tail curled up around her and her hands around a flame on the tip of her tail.

"What's wrong, Nova? You don't like this weather?" I asked.

Nova looked at me and answered in a clearly sarcastic tone, "Oh, yeah. Love it. It chills your circuits, freezes your fur and numbs your toes."

Otto hid behind Chiro's legs.

"Oh, come on. It's not that bad." Chiro encouraged.

I smiled and took off my hooded poncho. I walked over to Nova and put the poncho over her head, "Here. This will keep you warm. That flame wasn't helping."

The poncho rested on her shoulders. "But what about you?" Nova asked me.

"I'd rather see you warm and cozy than freezing and unhappy." I assured with a smile, "Besides, I'm still wearing a scarf and gloves. I'll be fine."

Nova smiled at me, "Thanks, Snow."

Sparx threw a snowball at Otto, but it hit Chiro square in the face. He chuckled, "Sorry, Kid."

"Sparx, you couldn't hit the Super Robot, if you were standing inside of it!" Otto taunted, shaking his butt.

That did Sparx's temper and he threw a big snowball at Otto. Chiro and Otto jumped out of the way and snowball hit Nova square in the face. Gibson, Otto and Sparx shared a sudden scared look.

Nova started growling and the snow melted off her face. Her face was red with anger and it building up inside her, like a volcano. Chiro pulled me away from Nova, as she walked out of the Super Robot. The snow poofed into steam around her feet.

"Calm down, Nova." Antauri told Nova calmly, "Do not let your anger get the best of you."

Nova's anger kept building. She picked up a heap of snow. It poofed into steam just by her touch. I felt like this has happened before. It felt really painful.

"You do remember the last time you lost your temper?" Antauri asked.

Chiro looked at Antauri. Nova looked at me. Her anger faded and she sulked, "Yeah. I remember."

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