Chapter 18: One Year Anniversary and New Parent

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Izuku had woken up and got dressed for the day. He had a surprise ready today for Eri. Izuku knocked on Eri's door, "Sweetie you ready?" "Yeah Papa! I do have a couple knots in my hair." Izuku opened the door and picked up Eri, "Here let me fix it." He grabbed a brush and very lightly brushed her hair, "You ready for the day we have planned today snowball?" She nodded, "Yes Papa! But why are we doing so much today?" He chuckled, "It is a surprise sweetheart. I promise you will love it." She smiled and hummed a song. Izuku smiled at this and once he was done flipped her around and kissed her two horns, "You ready?" She hopped off his lap, "Let's go Papa!" He smiled and headed out the door after grabbing his watch, phone, keys, wallet, and a necklace Eri had Momo make for him for a gift. It had green emeralds, white sapphire, and black onyx. The green was to symbolize Inko and Izuku cause of their green hair. The black was also to symbolize Izuku for his black highlights. The white was to symbolize Eri.

Izuku and Eri had just gotten to the mall. Izuku was walking with Eri as she held his hand, "Um Papa?" He turned his head, "What is it sweetie?" "Um could you carry me on your shoulders?" He smiled and picked her up and sat her down on the back of his shoulders, "You hang on ok snowball." He felt her nod, "Ok Papa! Onward." Izuku laughed and they proceeded to walk around to different stores. As they were walking Izuku saw that people would glance at him longer than usual. Izuku was used to this whenever he was out alone because it meant he had been recognized and he was typically swarmed by fans. But it seemed like since people saw he was with his daughter for the first time since he confirmed she was his they didn't come up. Izuku really appreciated this. If it was a normal day maybe he wouldn't mind but today was special.

As Izuku and Eri were going through the mall he noticed a small group of five walking towards him. Once he recognized them he spoke, "The pussycats! What are you all doing here?" Mandalay spoke while holding Kota's hand, "Oh we had to do some last minute shopping for that surprise. A certain thing was out of stock at our normal stores but they had a good handful here so here we are." Izuku nodded, "That's good. Are all of you going to be there or just some of you." They all nodded and Pixie-Bob spoke, "You would have to kill us for us to not go to this." Ragdoll and Tiger nodded in agreement. Izuku spoke, "Ok just remember to tell you know who that your group is there. Hopefully everyone will be there at around 1:30." Izuku looked at his watch, "So we got fourty-five minutes until then." Tiger spoke, "Will do Midoriya." Izuku smiled and the group of five walked away and Eri spoke, "Papa can I get a hint?" Izuku chuckled, "That sounds fair. Today is celebrating something very special that happened a year ago." Eri thought for a moment, "Can I get another hint Papa?" Izuku shook his head, "No baby girl." Eri pouted, "This isn't fair!" They both laughed as they continued to look at stores. Once a little time passed Izuku looked at his watch and saw it said 1:15, "Ok sweetie it's time to go." "Will I know what the surprise is soon?" "Very soon." They smiled and left towards the car with Izuku carrying a couple bags.

Once they pulled into their house Eri noticed a bunch of cars their, "Um Papa why are so many people here?" "You will see soon honey." Izuku unbuckled Eri and they both headed inside. All the lights were off. Once Izuku sat his keys down and his wallet the lights turned on and a bunch of people yelled, "HAPPY ONE YEAR ADOPTIONVERSARY!" Izuku quickly scanned the room and saw so many people. All the teachers and the principal of U.A., Class 3-A, Class 3-B, the Kendo family, Inko Midoriya, The Pussy Cats, Kota, Mirio, Amajiki, Nejire, Yuyu, Miruko, Tensei Ida, Mei Hatsume, Hawks, Lady Nagant, Death Arms, Kamui Woods, Ryuko, Inko, the Bakugou family, the Todoroki family, the Jiro family, Rock Lock and his family, and Best Jeanist. Izuku could see the gears turning in Eri's head and everything finally clicking. He saw her see the date on the calendar, and check the signs that were made. Once everything fully clicked she turned to Izuku with tears in her eyes. Izuku quickly picked her up, "Happy one year of being a Midoriya Eri." Everyone cheered.

Once everyone had eaten cake it was time to open presents. Izuku had picked Eri up and walked her over to the couch. He then sat down and sat her next to him, "You ready to open gifts snowball?" She nodded while smiling, "Yes Papa!" Everyone smiled and Eri began opening up gifts. Kyoka's parents got her a little guitar. Kyoka got her a little piano. Mr. Aizawa got her a little version of his scarf and his goggles. The other teachers got them dolls of them selves. Katsuki's parents got her a gift card to a clothing store that they own. Bakugou got her a little fake grenade similar to the ones he has on his suit. Ida got her a pair of athlete shoes. Tensei got her the same thing. The group laughed at the brothers not exchanging what they were getting her. Mirio got her a blanket similar to his hero cape. Mei Hatsume got her a tool box filled with tools. The pussycats got her a white headpiece that looked like theirs on their hero suits. Kamui Woods, Death Arms, Miruko, Ryuko, Rock Lock, Hawks, Lady Nagant, Nejire, and Amajiki all got her plushies of themselves. And then the gift Best Jeanist says was the best. A whole bunch of denim. And by a bunch it was a lot.

Once Eri got done opening gifts she was smiling and running around pretending to be Mr. Aizawa. He didn't show it but he was smiling under his scarf. She stopped running around and she looked at Izuku, "Hey Papa could we talk?" He nodded and they walked into a empty hallway. Izuku got down to be eye level with his daughter, "What is it snowball?" "Um I wanted to talk about Suka." He tilted his head, "What about Itsuka? Did she do something you didn't like?" Eri quickly shook her head, "No nothing like that Papa." Izuku breathed, "That's good. What is it then sweetie?" "Um I think I am ready." "Ready? Ready for what? I'm confused here." Eri smiled, "You remember whenever you started dating Suka you had a talk with me about her." He nodded, "Yeah I said just because we were dating you didn't automatically have to think of her like a mother figure. I didn't want you to get hurt like whenever I was dating Uraraka. Wait is that what your talking about? You think your ready to say Itsuka is like a mother figure to you?" Eri nodded, "Whenever you are out doing hero work Itsuka typically watches over me. We have bonded a lot and she has never tried to act like my mom. She even tries to teach me stuff. And whenever we are playing I have a lot of fun with her." Izuku nodded, "That's great snowball. But I want to ask you something. She hasn't been trying to peer pressure you into this has she?" Eri shook her head, "She hasn't I promise." "Good. Do you want me to talk to her about this?" Eri shook her head, "No I wanted to talk to her." Izuku rubbed his daughters head, "Ok just don't push yourself ok. Imma go get her." Izuku left and got Itsuka, "Hey babe Eri wanted to talk to you." She tilted her head, "Hm? Is it something bad?" Izuku smiled, "No. The opposite actually. Well that depends on what you think. But yeah she is in the hallway." Itsuka nodded and went to said hallway.

About ten minutes passed and Izuku was getting kind of worried. He didn't want to eavesdrop since this was a private conversation but he was really worried. This was a girl he loved with all his heart and would give anything for her and then a girl he loved romantically. After a couple more minutes he saw Itsuka come out carrying Eri. Izuku took notice that they both had the biggest smiles on them he had ever seen. Izuku walked over to them and hugged them close, "I love you both so so much." Itsuka spoke, "I love you too babe. And I love you snowball." Eri smiled, "I love you Papa and Mama."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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