A Little Info

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Alright so I am gonna fill in some things that have happened before this story started

Izuku's 100% is three times stronger than All Might's 100%. How he learned this is during a talk with the users on how he is the same strength as All Might and not stronger since the quirk grows more powerful as it is passed on. The second user said it is because of a mental block Izuku had. For his entire life he always saw All Might as impossible to pass so that carried over to his quirk. When only using One for All he would only be as strong as All Might. After realizing this and eventually tearing down that block he unleashed his true power. His One for All's full power.

The world knows about One For All. After the final battle Izuku went on the news and explained everything about the quirk leaving out the previous users and how he was the ninth. He also said that since the quirk had gotten so strong he could longer pass the quirk on otherwise there body would explode so the quirk would die with him.

Mirio still visits Eri and she sees him and the rest of the big three and aunts and uncles.

The world does not know how Izuku is so rich at all they assume the safety commission gave him a fuck ton of money.

This story will take place over a single year. So all of Izuku's third year at U.A. and a couple months after.

Izuku does gain money from sponsors but he only uses sponsors from companies that he uses organically. Do not wanna make it seem like Izuku is only using All Might's money. He does have his own little fortune.

Izuku does use social media. He posts about once every four days and if he posts in between those is because its a paid post. He typically post pictures of him and his class, him after battles, a couple pictures Eri took of him, pictures of him shirtless which the girls that follow him really like, and now that the world knows about Eri he will begin to slowly post pictures of her.

Toga, Spinner, Dabi, Mr. Compress, and Muscular have been put into a new program in Tartarus prison. The program allows certain prisoners to try and become reformed to possibly be released into the public. As of right now only Mr. Compress has been freed and he has a tracker on both of his wrists and his prosthetic arm is also a tracker. Toga is also trying to become reformed. Dabi is in line to try. Spinner and Muscular have decided as of right now to not try the reform program.

Haru Kendo owns a Dojo and Itsuka is a fill in teacher there. The Dojo itself is able the size of a average fast food place.

Eri's birthday is December 21st. After Deku adopted her they couldn't figure out her birthday because when Overhaul would kill her and then bring her back he would leave her like that for days so her birthday had changed every time. After multiple tests from Recovery Girl they discovered when her birthday would fall on. They discovered this after the date had passed so she as of right now has not had a birthday party yet. She also does not know when it is as Izuku is keeping it a surprise.

Stars and Stripes did not die during her fight with Shigaraki. After he stole her quirk she was put into a coma because she put her conscious into New Order to damage Shigaraki. She was kept alive by machines and eventually Eri used rewind to give her quirk back thus giving her conscious back thus no longer being in a coma. Midnight also did not die but was severely injured and decided to retire and become U.A.'s main therapist for students and still remain a teacher.

Hisashi Midoriya died during the first battle as he had returned to surprise Inko and Izuku that he was back and wouldn't be leaving since he had retired. He was living in a house near by the hospital and when Shigaraki unleashed the first big wave of decay that house was hit and he was killed.

While Stars and Stripes was in a coma Izuku constantly went overseas and helped out in America when they absolutely needed him which only happened a total of ten times.

The hero ranking have additional things they consider. Before they mainly considered popularity, crimes resolves, social presence, and activity. Now they also consider going overseas to help out other countries, volunteer work, how many people you have saved, and your contribution to society such as funding research for paralyzed people to help them walk again which Miruko actually funds. She decided to do this when she was left with only one arm for four months until Eri rewound her.

The past users of One for All are still there and Izuku occasionally talks to them. During his second year they agreed they would only come out for him to see in person without going to the vestige world if he chose to. Think of it liked a locked door. If he wants to let them out he unlocks it. Also they cannot see and hear everything he does like they did in the past during the war and when he went a wall. This was another part of their agreement. They can all see each other's memories but only if they allow. All Might is also in the vestige world but not in his skinny form but in his buff form since One for All considers that his true form because he only became skinny do to a external cause being the massive injury he had. Also the vestige world is no longer just a floor and two walls. Once Izuku fully mastered every single quirk and reach One for All's for power for him the world expanded and basically became a house for everyone. They all live together and anything they imagine in there becomes true except other people. Also while yes they are dead they never went to an afterlife. In my opinion since there consciousness is in One for All there soul or at least some of there soul is there too. So until Izuku dies or something causes there soul to leave One for All they can't go to the afterlife.

During Izuku's and Shigaraki's final fight he talked Shigaraki into losing his anger and he quit the fight. But All for One tried to take over his body and he begged Izuku to kill him so he wouldn't cause anymore harm.

During the final fight he experienced multiple quirk evolutions

Black Whip- Can now come out of any part of his body and will go through any clothing in the way. He can also make black whip appear from anywhere with in a ten meter radius of him.

Smokescreen- Can control the thickness, make it smell different to throw people off, and can make it spread further.

Float- He can allow other people to float as long as they are near him. They have no control when they are floating Izuku controls them.

Fa Jin- Whenever you build up kinetic energy in one part of your body it builds up in the other part even if it isn't moving. For example Izuku builds up energy in his right arm it also builds up in his left even though it isn't moving

Gearshift- As shown in the fight on overhaul in previous chapter Izuku can now slow down and speed up living things besides himself.

When Izuku combined One for All, Fa Jin, and Gearshift in the final battle it was comparable to One for All at 120% but remember Izuku was constantly comparing his 100% to All Might's as I stated earlier. So now if Izuku were to use his 45% with Fa Jin and gearshift is would be equal to All Might at 360%. If Izuku were to go full power doing the same combination his power would be equal to All Might if he could go 525%. Just trying to make everyone realizes how fucking strong Izuku is in this story.

Also for how I think the math on how 120% was divided it was 45% of One for All, 40% of Gearshift, and then 35% of Fa Jin.

I will not be writing that many fight scenes. This book is mainly Izuku's life dealing with hero work on top of being a normal person. So that is what it will mainly be. Now I am not saying there will not be fights. There will be more.

Itsuka is into BDSM and is a top

Yes I am going to try writing smut in this book.

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