Chapter 11: Sports Festival Final Fight

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(Ok so I am not gonna write the sport's festival because Izuku is not allowed to compete because of how strong he is. And the main events three people would overpower the rest and the only thing I could think of to do would be to immediately skip to the last 2 fights and write them but I am saving the fight for something else coming up next chapter So this chapter is mainly what Izuku is doing to set up for a surprise for the next chapter and meeting people he invited.. So the people who won the Sports Festival this year are Todoroki in first, Bakugou in second, and Iida and Momo tied for third.)

Izuku was currently walking around the crowds looking for a couple people he invited. He then saw a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, and glasses, "Melissa!" He then ran towards the girl, "It's so good to see you." Melissa the hugged Izuku, "It's good to see you too! How have you been? It's been what eight months since we last saw each other?" Izuku nodded, "Yeah and that was for you and Mei upgrading my hero suit. Besides that we didn't actually hang out much." She shook her head, "No we didn't. So how have you been? Anything new?" He nodded, "Yeah actually. Not much was new until a couple months ago but now there is." Melissa saw Izuku smile brighter, "Does it happen to be a girl?" Izuku blushed, "How did you know!?" She laughed, "We girls can just kind of tell. What's her name?" "Itsuka Kendo." "That sounds like a nice name." He nodded, "She is so many things." "Sounds like you found someone you love." He nodded, "I did. She is currently watching over Eri with my mom in stadium." "Speaking of that little girl have you had a certain talk with Itsuka? I don't want you to have another Uraraka situation." He nodded, "Me and her have talked about it and I have also talked to Eri about it. Simple fact is that me and Itsuka just haven't been dating long enough for her to really be on board with it. She said she wants to but she wants more time to get to know me and Eri before she makes a decision like that. I have explained how Itsuka feels to Eri and she understands completely." Melissa nodded, "That's good. At least both of them have a understanding. Speaking of that why are you out here instead of with them? I could have made my way around." Izuku spoke, "Well actually it wasn't just you I invited." She tilted her head, "Who else did you invite?" He raised six fingers, "I am looking for a boy around my age with his two siblings. And then I am looking for a dad with his two kids." "Why did you invite them? Do you know them or something?" He nodded, "We all have a history." She nodded, "Well while you look for them I am gonna go meet this new girl and play with Eri." He smiled, "She misses her Aunty Lissa." She smirked, "Well Aunty Lissa misses her too." She then walked towards the stadium.

Izuku was now looking for the Dad with the two kids. He the ran into someone, "Sorry I wasn't looking." He looked down and saw a kid with light brown hair and eyes, wearing blue flip flops, and blue overalls, "Katsuma!" He then picked the kid up and Katsuma yelled, "Mr. Deku! It's so good to see you!" Izuku smiled, "You can call me Izuku Katsuma. Deku is only my hero name." He nodded, "Will do Izuku." Izuku nodded back, "Where is your father and sister?" Katsuma pointed at a nearby candy station and Izuku spoke, "Let's go get them." Izuku then walked over and while he did so he was pulling out his wallet, "Wait don't pay yet." The father turned around, "Midoriya? Why shouldn't I pay?" Izuku then handed the lady his card, "I invited you all here so I am paying for everything. That reminds me." He the pulled a card out of his pocket and handed it to Mr. Shimano, "This card with allow you into any public room here in the stadium and it will pay for any purchases made here." Mr. Shimano took the card, "Thank you so much Midoriya. Also thank you for inviting us. I have always wanted to come to the sport's festival but it was far to expensive." Izuku nodded, "Money is no issue for me. I just wanna make sure my guests are taken care of. Speaking of that how have you all been?" Mahoro spoke, "We have been doing really good! With the help of some hero's Nabu island was returned back to normal!" Izuku nodded, "Sorry if me and my class kind of trashed the place." Mr. Shimano spoke, "Everyone at the island understands. You kids nearly died saving everyone. A little damage to the island was the least of everyone's worries." Izuku nodded, "I still wish I could have been there to help with the rebuilding." Mr. Shimano said, "Kid you were off fighting All for One and Shigaraki while it was being put back together. You had way better things to worry about than trying to put together some island." Katsuma spoke, "Izuku if I may ask why did you invite us here?" Mr. Shimano said, "Yeah I mean not that we aren't glad for the invite but it kind of came out of no where." Izuku nodded, "Oh yeah. Katsuma you remember how you said you didn't think you could be a hero cause you have a healing quirk?" He nodded, "Yeah! But then you told me I could be one and I have healing people all around the island to try and increase my stamina so I can heal longer." Izuku nodded, "Well we have someone here who can give you a lot of advice on how to better use your quirk. You may not be a hero is on the front lines fighting but you can be a excellent support hero which is equally important." Katsuma nodded, "Who here could help me with my quirk?" "You all follow me. I will show her to you." They then followed Izuku to the nurses office. Once they opened the door Recovery Girl saw him, "Boy I swear to all that is holy is you came to me because you are injured I should hit you with my cane." Izuku laughed, "Hey I haven't broken anything in a good while." She gave him a glare, "I had to heal you for the better part of your entire first year. I can say that as long you breathe sonny boy." Izuku laughed, "Well I am not injured. But do you remember a couple days ago I said I invited someone here who could use your help training there quirk?" She nodded, "I do. Would one of these little ones happen to be them?" Katsuma raised his hand, "I am ma'am." "What is your quirk?" "Cell activation. It allows me to activate the cell's in another person's body through touch, which enhances their recovery time and can even improve their physical conditioning." Recovery girl nodded, "What are the drawbacks?" "It drains me of my stamina." She nodded and handed him a book, "This book will teach you a lot about how to control your quirk and make it better. If I may ask how are you trying to increase your stamina at all?" He nodded, "Yeah I have been healing people around the island when they get injured but so far I haven't noticed a difference in my stamina." Recovery Girl nodded, "Well since that isn't working try increasing your stamina in general. Now once you get old enough try running for longer periods of time and learn how to pace yourself. Remember quirks are linked to our bodies. You may have to build up stamina and endurance by working out your body and your quirk will get better with time. The book also says how you could help with that too." Katsuma smiled big, "Thank you so much! I can't wait to get stronger and help people!" Izuku smiled, "I know you will be great Katsuma. You all can head back to your seats now. I got to meet up with a couple more people before the reward ceremony." They all nodded and left to there seats.

Izuku was now walking around looking for one more person when something landed on his shoulder, "What the hell?" He then looked at his shoulder and he saw a familiar bird, "Pino!? Is Rody around?" She nodded and flew away and Izuku followed. He the saw who he was looking for, "Rody!" Rody then saw Izuku and ran towards him. Once he got there he stopped, "Jesus Christ dude find you is damn near impossible." Izuku laughed, "Were are your siblings?" "They are still in the stadium." Izuku nodded, "That is actually good for what I invited you here for." "Yeah what did you invite me here for? And why did you tell me to pack up all my stuff and my siblings stuff. It wasn't much but still. Are you moving me out here?" Izuku laughed, "Nope. But I did pull in a favor I had with someone in America to get you something." "What did you get me?" "Follow me and you will see." He nodded and he followed Izuku into a room with what looked like fighter pilots and Rody asked, "What are we doing here?" Suddenly and man got up out of his seat and approached Izuku, "Midoriya long time no see. How are you doing?" "I'm doing good. How are you? I haven't seen you since Eri got Stars and Stripes out of that coma." "I am doing good. Old age is catching up to me. I won't be able to do this for much longer. I plan on retiring in about three years. But I think that's why your here right?" He nodded, "So Star told you about me cashing in my favor huh?" He nodded, "She did. So is this the boy I will be training?" Izuku nodded, "He will if he accepts." The man then looked over, "What is your name?" Rody spoke and held his hand out for a shake, "I am Rody Soul sir. What is your name?" The man shook his hand, "Ethan Drive. So I heard you wanted to be a fighter pilot from Midoriya here." Rody nodded, "Yeah it's my dream. I still got a couple years before I get the money and so I can go to school for it." Ethan nodded, "Well kid don't worry about it. Your school has been paid for." Rody was shocked, "What!? Why me!?" Ethan laughed a bit, "Have you heard of the brigade that assists Stars and Stripes on missions?" He nodded, "Yeah! My goal is to eventually become such a good pilot I can join there crew! But that is gonna take a long time." Ethan nodded, "Well kid I am the leader of said brigade. And we owed Midoriya here a favor and he cashed it in on you. If you accept you and your siblings will move to America and you will study directly under me and I will train you to be my successor. I will teach you everything you need. And if your ready when I retire you will take my place at the leader of the brigade." Rody was smiling ear to ear, "OF COURSE I WILL ACCEPT! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Ethan nodded, "Don't say thank you yet kid. The next couple years of your life are gonna be absolute hell for you but it will be worth it. You ready?" Rody nodded, "Yes I am!" Ethan laughed, "You are good to go kid. Once the festival is over all your stuff and your siblings stuff will be transported to a apartment in America and then we can begin your training. And don't worry your siblings will also be enrolled in the best schools we could get them in." Rody nodded and him and Izuku left. Izuku looked at a watch he was wearing, "Hey Rody I got to go get changed and give out medals." Rody nodded, "No problem dude. And also thank you so much. This is a dream come true." "It's no problem." They then parted ways

After Deku had handed out the medals and a new arena had been built he spoke into a microphone, "Now I bet all of you all wondering why there is another arena here since the festival is basically over. Well if you look at your tickets we are having a special event. It is going to be a fight between me and another hero! Are you all excited!" The crowd chanted and screamed, "YEAH!" Present mic then said over the intercom, "NOW EVERYONE GET READY! IN ONE CORNER WE GOT THE UP AND COMING NUMBER ONE HERO OF JAPAN DEKU! HE IS CRASHING RECORDS AND CLIMBING THE SPOTS HIGHER THAN ANYONE COULD EVER EXPECT!" They heard footsteps coming from one of the entrances, "AND IN THE OTHER CORNER WE GOT SOMEONE WHO WAS AS POPULAR AS ALL MIGHT!" The crowd then saw blonde locks, "SHE WAS IN A COMA FOR AWHILE BUT SHE HAS SINCE RECOVERED AND JUMPED INTO HIGH GEAR!" They then saw a hulking mass of a women wearing her hero suit and the only word that could fit her look was, "Merica." Present mic yelled, "THE NUMBER ONE HERO FROM AMERICA! STARS AND STRIPES! THIS IS GONNA BE ONE HELL OF A FIGHT! I DON'T KNOW WHO IS GONNA WIN! WE GOT THE ONE WHO DEAFETED THE LEAGUE OF VILLIANS DEKU! AND THEN WE GOT ONE WHO HAS HAX GALLOR STARS AND STRIPES! WE GOT POWERHOUSES FROM TWO DIFFERENT COUNRTYS GETTING READY TO BRAWL! EVERYONE BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELTS CAUSE THIS IS GONNA BE THE FIGHT OF THE CENTURY!" Deku and Stars and Stripes met at the center and Deku spoke, "I am not holding back Star you here me." He then put his hand out and Star responded, "Deku you may have beat I villain I couldn't but trust me I have gotten stronger. I will not make this fight easy!" Deku laughed, "I have gotten stronger too. May the strongest win?" She nodded, "May the strongest win." Present mic yelled, "OPPONETS TO YOUR SIDES!" The two then got to the respective sides and powered up. Deku powered up with 100% Full Cowling and activated Float with Black whip hanging out. Stars and Stripes got into a fight stance. "READY SET FIGHT!"

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