Chapter 13: Recruiting

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Izuku had woken up next to Itsuka. He looked around for a bit not quite remembering what happened last night. Once he looked at Itsuka and saw her still naked besides a pair of panties. He blushed realizing that everything that happened last night was not a dream. He cuddled a bit closer to Itsuka.

After about an hour Itsuka woke up and Izuku was back asleep. She smiled and kisses his forehead, "I love my baby boy." Izuku smiled and slowly began waking up, "Mmmmm." Itsuka rubbed his back, "Are you ok?" He nodded and cuddled closer, "I am ok. Just a bit worn out." She kissed his cheek, "Sorry if I wore you out." He smiled, "It's ok. I really enjoyed last night." "I did too. I would really like to make that a regular thing. If you are ok with it of course." He nodded, "I would really like to do that again too. Could I ask a question?" She nodded, "What is it sweetheart?" "Um last night I vaguely remember what happened after we had sex. I remember I just didn't talk for some reason. Do you have any idea why? You have more knowledge on this BDSM stuff than I do." She nodded, "You went into something called subspace." Izuku gave her a confused look, "What is that?" "Subspace is the word given to the pleasurable altered headspace that the submissive partner experiences during a BDSM scene. For a lot of subs, entering subspace can be the ultimate goal in BDSM, with some even giving it higher importance than achieving orgasm." Izuku nodded, "But why was I not talking? That still doesn't make sense to me." She smiles, "Well for some subs they become nonverbal. Some become dizzy. Some get intense feelings of something. I guess your the nonverbal one." He nodded, "I guess that makes sense."

Itsuka nodded and kissed his neck and saw she had about eight hickeys and she chuckled a bit, "You are gonna have fun hiding those sweetie." Izuku looked confused, "Hide what?" She pointed at his neck and he got up and looked at a mirror, "Shit!" Itsuka laughed, "Oh come on! At least it means your the only one in class getting some!" Izuku sighed, "I am actually not the only one in class getting laid." Itsuka tiled her head, "Really? Who else if I may ask?" "Momo is with Jiro, Bakugou is with Camie who is from another school, Mina is with Kirishima, Iida is with Mei, and Melissa is with Shinso." Itsuka asked, "Wait Camie is the one from Shiketsu with the skintight bodysuit?" Izuku nodded, "Yeah. After the final battle they started bonding and eventually they got together." She nodded, "And what about Iida and Mei? Iida seems like one to be against relationships and Mei seems kind of oblivious from what I have seen from her." Izuku chuckled and nodded, "Well Iida was like that for awhile but he changed sometime last year. And Mei acts oblivious." "How did they get together?" "Well Mei was working on something to help retired disabled pro heroes to help them gain whatever they lost and help them become heroes again if they wanted. Iida's brother Tensei volunteered. Sometime during summer Tensei was able to walk again and shortly about three weeks after that he was a hero again. Iida took her out for a thank you and after that they started dating." Itsuka nodded, "What about Shinso and Melissa? How did that happen?" "Shinso wanted an upgrade for his mask and Mei had a long list of support items to do it so she couldn't help so Melissa picked it up. They started hanging out after the fact so Shinso could say thank you. Eventually Melissa became Shinso's main support person so whenever he needed an upgrade it would be her that makes it. After a couple months they started dating."

After a couple hours of cuddling Izuku spoke, "Hey I got to look at my laptop for a bit." Itsuka looked at him, "Why?" "Well I am debating on taking a couple interns this year since I am now allowed to. So I need to review the second and first year sports festivals to see if there is anyone I am interested in. I already have an idea for one person I am interested in." She tilted her head, "Who is it?" "It is someone from the general studies in the first years." "General studies? Why not a hero course student?" "Well general studies students sometimes sign up for that course because they can't pass the entrance exam. Shinso is a perfect example. His quirk is not suitable to face off against robots but it is perfect for facing people. So he entered the sports festival to prove he deserved a spot in the hero course. Sure he didn't make that big of a splash during it but he proved to the teachers and other students he was worthy. So after he began training more with Mr. Aizawa he started participating in hero course activities. And during his second year he was put into the hero course." She nodded, "Wait if I remember correctly didn't you face off against Shinso in your first round in the sports festival?" He nodded, "Yeah. What about it?" "How did you snap out of his mind control? I mean the only way people have been able to break out of it is by something touching them." He rubbed the back of his head, "Well you remember when I stopped right at the edge of the arena?" She nodded, "Well you know how I am the ninth user of One for All?" She nodded, "Yeah you went on a news station and told everyone about your quirk. Well besides the previous users." He nodded, "Well whenever I froze I saw the previous users. Well kind of. I saw eight hazy figures and they allowed me to move two of my fingers. Once I did I used One for All in my fingers and it allowed me to break free." She nodded, "So what general studies student are you debating on taking?" "I didn't get his name but he has red eyes and black hair. His quirk from what I can see is like Mr. Aizawa's. His quirk allows him to de activate the quirks of anyone in a certain radius of him. And if he decides to touch the person being affected once they leave the radius their quick doesn't immediately come back to them it comes back slowly." Itsuka nodded, "That is honestly a really cool quirk." He nodded, "I am now gonna go look to see if there is anyone else I am interested in." He got up out of bed and kissed Itsuka, "I love you goddess." She smiled and pulled him in and kissed his neck leaving another hickey and then whispered in his ear, "Mistress loves you baby boy." Izuku pulled away with a smile on his face and blushing. He then slowly walked towards his desk after putting on some shorts.

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