Chapter 12: Deku vs Stars and Stripes

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The fight started and Stars and stripes yelled out, "New Order: Allow me to copy the quirks of my enemy I have the knowledge of!" Suddenly she was surrounded by blue lightning and Deku spoke, "So I see you had a quirk evolution! Very interesting!" They then rushed at each other and exchanged a singular blow. Once their fists connected the air pressure alone started to break apart the arena. They quickly back away from each other. Deku looked around and then spoke, "Uhhh. Star you wanna fly into the air so we don't damage the stadium or injury the people?" Star looked around and laughed a bit, "I think that would be an amazing idea! No worries everyone our suits have a couple cameras in them so you all will be able to see the fight!" Deku nodded, "They will also have some flying robots around watching us." Deku and Stars and Stripes then flew into the air so they were a couple miles above ground.

Once they were a safe distance away Deku quickly flew at Star and delivered a quick uppercut. Once star recovered she flew at Deku and delivered a harder punch with Fa Jin, "I got to say kid these quirks are powerful!" Deku flipped in the air and delivered a kick straight to Star's gut, "I think I figured out what extra abilities you got from your quirk evolution!" They both stopped in the air and Deku spoke, "Before you could only have two new orders active. Now not only can you copy quirks you can have more than two new orders active." Star laughed, "What gave it away!?" Deku looked at her, "You obviously have your basic new order active for enhanced strength. Sadly it doesn't stack with One for All or my other quirks. Then you have the one that allowed you to copy my quirks." He then held up 3 fingers, "Your third one was to give you a body able to withstand multiple quirks. If you didn't have that one active your body would have been torn apart just from the strain in puts on your body." Star laughed, "God kid your smart! Let's get back to our fight!"

Once Star finished her sentence Deku had flown at her at max speed combining Gearshift, Fajin, and One for All making his speed equal to 190% of One for All. Deku had grabbed her arm and flipped her around and swung her towards the ground. Deku then used the same moved to get in front of Star and deliver a punch straight to her chest, "Foe 190% Delaware Smash!" Star was sent flying and she used smokescreen to hide her, "You know its sucks I can't use danger sense! Seeing as how it only activates from an attack that is meant to kill!" Deku laughed and flicked a finger to disperse the smoke and right when he did that Star and flew straight at Deku with a Fa Jin amped One for All punch straight to his cheek, "God kid! Even with just One for All your stronger than All Might! I would even say three times stronger!" Deku then delivered a right hook at Star, "Gear one!"

Once he said that Star thought, "What the hell was that!? Does he have another quirk I don't know about!?" While she was thinking this Deku then quickly delivered another five blows to her chest and gut, "GEAR TWO! GEAR THREE! GEAR FOUR! GEAR FIVE! GEAR SIX!" Star tried to deliver a blow to Deku but he dodged out of the way and she thought, "Was I subconsciously slowing down? No I had all my forced behind it no way was I slower. At least not by my doing." Star then kicked straight at Deku's chest and used Black Whip to reel him in for a quick punch to the gut, "NEW YORK SMASH!" Once Star delivered the blow Deku wrapped Black whip around her waist and he then started punching her repeatedly, "Gear seven! Eight! Nine! Ten!" He then delivered a punch straight to Star's right side sending her straight to the stadium. She quickly stopped about half a mile above ground but she saw Deku was closing in fast. Like faster then she has ever seen. He said, "One for All 100%. Combined with Fa Jin and Gearshift! Foe 190% Detroit Smash!" He delivered a smash straight to the center of her body sending her flying straight towards the arena at blinding speeds. Once she connected to the concrete the air pressure from the punch reached the crowd and they then held onto whatever they could so they wouldn't get sent flying. Once Deku landed down on the ground he looked over to the crater and saw that Stars and Stripes was barely conscious, "Y-You...W...Win...." She then passed out. The crowd cheered, "DEKU! DEKU! DEKU! DEKU!" He looked up to a certain area where some people he cared about were and he listened and he heard Itsuka yell, "That's my boyfriend!" Then he heard Eri yell at the top of her little lungs, "That's my Papa!" Izuku smiled and then picked up Stars and Stripes and carried her to Recovery Girl. Once she was dropped of he made sure she would be safe with Recovery Girl he left.

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