Beginne am Anfang

I switched the mic off and stayed silent, deciding that it would be easier that way. I just needed to survive today.
And tomorrow....
And the next day.

I remembered when Hunter was begging Belos to make us not be on the same team this morning but just yesterday he said he was thankful to have me around. What changed? Did I do something? Was he going through something?

No. We said we would t worry about it until he apologized.


I whipped my head around to Hunter, he wasn't looking at me and rested his fist in his cheek.

Wow that was fast,
"Hunter.. I-"

"Miss perfect? Team number three cheated," he said quickly and pointed to them in the middle of a teleportation spell.

"Oh, right yea," I stammered weirdly disappointed and my picked up the mic.
"Team number three!! We specifically said no teleportation! You're out!" I said fairly enthusiastically as scouts escorted them out.

Miss perfect?

Hunter scoffed, "and here you were getting mad at me for "not paying attention," he rolled his eyes and kept looking at the match.

I balled my fists up, "At I wasn't correcting your judgement."

He laughed cockily in the way I hated, "titian you're such a hypocrite."

I felt purple cloud my eyes, "and you're a-"
I groaned remembering the audience behind us. I slammed my hands on the table grabbed the mic and pushed it into his chest. "You announce the next round! I need to used the bathroom," I growled trying not to yell as I sped walked away.

I walked out of the spectator stand and down the steps angerly.


Then thankfully while I was pacing in circles talking to myself I heard one of my favorite voices.

"Whoa kid are you okay??"
I turned around.
I smiled and ran up to him.

"Titian Steve you have no idea the day I have had!" I complained as I slumped dramatically and he held me up as he took off his mask as a friendly gesture.

"What? Did you get the Golden Guard is in a relationship?" He asked.

"Huh? What no? Why would I- you know what never mind. But yea it has to do with that ass hole." I shook my head and groaned. Steve chuckled softly.

"Whoa seems im in for a story. Here." Steve walked over and grabbed two chairs from the sidelines outside of the stadium. "Sit and talk."

I nodded and plopped down as he followed. "Titian Steve where do I even begin! I mean dude he was being so nice and I literally HELPED HIM on the last mission! Remember when I used your uniform a few days ago??" I asked.

He nodded specifically, "yea...?"
"Well guess what!! That wasn't even my mission! The golden guard snuck onto Kikimora ship to find the Titian blood himself because he "wanted to prove he was useful to the emperor" or whatnot and I mean I get it man but obsessive much??" I decided to leave out the Palisman thing, "But I'm thinking you know what we're friendly, I wanna become friends with someone actually my age, ima help him. Ok ok mabye that was after I found out what he was doing, before hand honestly I was just being nosey BUT I help him and we manage to get some Titian blood and this dude literally smiled at me while we're heading back and goes, "thank you for sticking around." And I'm like awwwwww you know! Oh my Titian I'm getting past the tough guy exterior he's just a bad but sad boy! You know! But then when I'm walking back to my room I see him running like sprinting down the hall and his breathing is rabid and he looks like he's been crying!!! So of course I'm like yo man are you okay?? And he fucking blows up at me! Saying how he doesn't need me and how he's fine and doing much better than me whatever that means!" I paused.

"Whoa.. that's a lot," Steve exclaimed before I cut him off.

"I'm not done,"


"And then I heard him begging Belos to take me and him off duo missions because I guess it was punishment for messing up and Belos said that I didn't mess up like that," I let that part soak in a bit, "and of course I'm like what the fuck! Like what the hell did I do??  And then we're spectators for this godawful thing and he's done nothing but bee an immature dicky prick!!!" I groaned loudly and buried my face in my hands.

Steve looked at me, his eyes wide as he cleared his throat, "alright... can I speak now?"

"Yes," I grumbled.

He sighed, "listen I'm not gonna defend him. He's being an ass and bipolar and you don't deserve that." He paused, "but... from what you're saying it sounds like little dude is going through something. It doesn't make how he's treating you any better but I can't even imagine what it must be for you guys, especially him. I've heard rumors.... that Belos is especially hard on him, like bad hard. No one knows for sure but there was a rumor that a scout heard Belos shouting- wich you know he never does- and there was a loud screeching sound, then it went quiet. Next thing the scout knew the Golden Guard exited out of the throne room with his cheek covered in blood before he ran off. But that's just a rumor so don't spread it around."
He sighed again, "just have patience and be the bigger person, you never know what could follow." He said softly.

What.? Belos wouldn't do that, he might be a little harder on Hunter than me but Hunter also fails missions more often than I do but... there's no way Belos would do that, he's stern but he's not evil. If he was why would he save me?

I shook the thoughts out of my head when I remembered hunters scar on his cheek. There's no way... if we're ever on good terms again I'll make a mental note to ask.

I sighed, "what..." I paused, "just thinking out loud here, what if things don't go back to normal..? What if he just hates me now?" I asked with a bit of sadness.

Steve shrugged, "you're awesome so it would be unlikley.... But if he did than he does and you deal with it when you do."

But... I don't think I want him to hate me.

My trail of thoughts was inturptted y the sounds of a loud explosion inside the ring and screaming. Me and Steve instantly sat up and I sprinted to the observers table where I saw Hunter knocked unconscious.


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