Chapter 23: Magic ✨

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A/n: so uhh there might have been some confusion last chapter so ill try and clear thing up in this chapter sorry about the confusion Sun will talk about the situation with Moon (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)

Idk why but the more were getting closer to the end the more im thinking the writing is getting a bit sloppy and the ending might not be as good as i originally thought but i kinda already dug myself a deep hole that i can't crawl out of (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

Changed the cover again cause the original is getting a bit meh 👀

Chapter 23: Magic ✨

Sun cleaned his arms up the best he could, using the soap that was in the bathroom that probably hasn't been refilled in months.

Although even if he cleaned his any further theres still a light red stain on him, an outline of the blood that had coated his arms.

Sighing to himself as he grabbed the paper towels that were besides him to wipe away the leftover water before walking over to the Freddy trashcan near the door and pushing his hand through the cover to throw it out. Once he retracts his arms watching as the cover close with a clank, he exits out the door and heads straight to Moon's room.


"Moon!!" He called out peeking through the tunnel to glance inside hoping to see the lunar animatronic who he doesn't know if hes in there or not.

No response came but sounds radiated out of the tunnel with multiple clicks and giggles.

Sun sighed to himself before deciding to crawl in the tunnel with his rays retracting to fit in. When he reached all the way through he pokes his head in with the rays springing out back in place as he looks to the left to find Moon and Lunar giggling like high school girls with headphones in. Both without the night caps they always have on, making them look bald as they were tapping away on there computers playing a game.

Staring at them for a minute as they continued, not noticing him. The solar bot groans in disappointment spinning his rays gently, sending a light breeze of wind in their direction like a fan.

Moon paused halting his laughter as he registered the sudden shift in coldness before looking at the source of the wind finally locking eye contact with Sun as Lunar stopped once realizing the other wasn't laughing to look at where Moon had his attention to.

"Can i com-" Sun stopped when Moon held up his index finger as he typed something, whispering to Lunar before slamming the laptop shut and ripping the headphones off his head sending it flinging across the room as Sun watched it bounce on the ground with a thud.

Turning his attention back on Moon to make fun of him for being bald, he kept the comment down his throat when he noticed Moon now having his hat on.

"Sun, what do you need?" Moon asked calmly crossing his arms and legs like nothing ever happened.

"Uhm... So... A bit of an issue that i need help with regarding... Lunar can you leave for a minute?" Climbing through the tunnel nervously as he stood up before turning to face Lunar.

"Ya, sure! Moony, you owe me a beanbag chair!" Jabbing his adopted brothers nose before hoping off the bed as the two older siblings watched him leave.

"So as i was saying theres something going on with Eclipse... I think..." Moon looked at him tiredly before shifting to confusion.

"What do you mean, you think?" scooting closer to the edge of the bed, letting his feet touch the floor.

"... ok, so i should probably explain how it got to this situation. But uh, a week ago me and Eclipse were arguing. The creator came in literally in the middle of the argument and i made a pretty rash decision and now i don't know what happened to Eclipse, ive been having these burning sensation which has me passing out and waking up with it gone, only for it to keep coming back" his brother looks at him blankly, processing all the information that has now been dumped on him.

"Wait... back up, the creator came and you didnt tell me?!?" Now getting up, standing in front of Sun.

" Yeah... And there was 15 bodies in the theater" Sun looked at the ground twitching the fingers that he brought to his chest.

" No... Hold on, you cant just drop all of this on me like this is a normal situation." Bringing a hand up to his face as he pinches the bridge of his nose with his eyes lids closed, neck holding his head facing down.

" Its kinda the reason i told Lunar to leave... "

" I can see that" Moon sighed dragging his hand down his faceplate.

" so uhm, can you teach me the spell to go inside my head kinda wanna check if Eclipse is still in there or not... "

"You know what? Sure, shouldn't take a while since its not a 'spell' your just meditating... Did some kids paint you or something? Cause you did a horrible job at removing it. " Moon gestures to the faint outline of the light red stain on his arms.

"... It's blood... "

"... WHAT?!? "


Hours of training as Moon struggled teaching Sun the basics as the other failed miserably. Lunar had popped back into the room during the training to watch what they were doing and wanted to join in as well. He had it down a lot quicker and started celebrating only fueling Sun's determination and jealousy that he felt. but after multiple attempts and failures Sun had it down.

"So i need to meditate in a calm and quiet area, i can just go do it in the daycare right?" He doesn't get a response from Moon only getting a slight 'mhm' from the other as crawls out of Moon's room. Only for Moon to call him back.

"If anything happens in there... Tell me, ill figure something out" 2 red pupils could be seen inside the dark room as Sun nodded before sun climbs up the ladder and jumping down into the ball pit to find a place to start the process.

"Alright i got this... Just... like how i practiced..." Muttering to himself as he sat down breathing in and out calming his nerves.

He sits there on the daycare floor for ten minutes before he starts losing focus feeling like hes about to fall asleep as he continued until he feels himself slowly drifting into his mind.

You better be in here Eclipse...

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