Chapter 19: Glitter Glue Chaos

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A/N: oooo last chill chapter before drama happens

Chapter 19: Glitter Glue Chaos

"Thank you guys for watching the video and we'll see you all next time, in the Sun and Mo- Lunar show!" Stumbling his words as Moon wasn't taking part in the video but Lunar is, stopping the recording to wrap up tomorrow's video and sending it to there editor.

"Well that was fun, was it Lunar?" Leaning back against the chair relaxing as he turns to Lunar.
"Ya! Let's do it again sometime with Moony as well!" The little blue bean stood up on the chair, making small hops.

" Hey, hey, careful now. I don't want you falling onto the floor, why don't you go tell Moon that, im sure he'll join us." The lunar animatronic nodded happily as he hoped off the chair and runs out of the daycare, calling out a goodbye as he ran.

'... He's rather lively... ' as the two watched the animatronic bolting up the stairs.
"Your... Rather quiet recently... You alright?"
" Fine, just... Thinking... '


'... About everything... " Hearing the quiet and hushed tone as if he was really tired set off some red flags. As Sun tried figuring out a way to cheer him up somehow.

"Hey... How bout this Eclipse, you play your favorite Scp game and relax from there. You haven't been out for a while now and I'm pretty sure your getting bored in there." Tapping his forehead faceplate, It was silent for a couple seconds before he heard a snort in his mind.

'is this seriously your way in trying to cheer me up?'
"...Yes?" Hearing a light huff from the other.
'well your horrible at it' he felt his control slip, as he felt himself swap places and Eclipse was now in control.

"Just playing games is boring, no offense. Let's see what I can make." Shuffling around the desk, searching for materials to use.
During his search, only finding bits of metal pieces from broken toys or paperclips since Moon took almost everything including the tools to make Lunar, which he doubt Moon even cleaned his room even when he agreed to clean it yesterday night.

Sighing to himself he scooped up what remaining part he could find as he thinks to himself about what he could make with them.
He could make a small airplane with what he has, obviously not an actual working one since that would require a lot more then what he has as he gets up and looks around.

'Im guessing since you dont have anything to meld them together try using that over there on that table.' the comment caused him to turn around looking for a table.

Seeing a bottle of glitter glue on one of the kids table he leaves the security desk to go grab it.

"Sun, is this seriously the only thing you guys have her-"
"Eclipse?" Hearing his name get called he quickly hid the glue bottle behind his back before looking at who called him.

It was Lunar, who came back for some reason.

"What... What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be with Moon?" Shifting the bottle around, trying to figure out how to hide it.
"Well ya, but I don't know where the teleporter is..."

'damn it Sun, you didn't bother to tell him?!'
'sorry' hearing the sheepish mumble replying to him.

"Whatever, I'll... lead you to it, remember it well because im not helping you if you forget." Slowly inching closer, thinking of ways to get rid of the bottle. His dignity is not going to get ruined by pink glitter glue.

"Why... Don't you go ahead and wait at the entrance of the Daycare and I'll be there in a minute... " Lunar looked at him with curiosity, tilting his head at him.
"... What's behind your back? "
" Nothing that you need to know"
" Aw, come on it has to be something interestin-"

" LUNAR! Can you come up here, I need to check something I missed in your body!" There conversation was soon interrupted by Moon yelling out.

"Alright! I'll be there in a second!"

'for once I'm thankful for that idiot'

"Well, you heard him wait by the entrance." Lunar sighed in disappointment, hoping to see what the older animatronic was hiding before turning around and slowly going up the stairs.

Peeking outside to make sure Lunar was actually gone, before pulling the glue behind his back and stares at it with hatred as he grips onto it hard.

'hey wait, wait, maybe we sho-' he ignores Sun's response as he yeets the bottle hard across the daycare, hearing a loud crash from the impact and a splattered sound.
'...uldn't do that... Ok, that was very unnecessary...'
"Screw you"
'i have to clean that up now, you know?' Eclipse grumbles, turning around leaving the daycare without a second thought. Heading to where Lunar was now waiting for him.

"Alright Lunar all you have to do is grab that Icon thing, that looks like it's infused with the wall" pointing at the counter that had a picture of the balcony.
" Oh so I jus-" the voice gets cut off as Lunar gets teleported up to the balcony.

"...Great, that just ruined my damn mood. Have fun cleaning that up" getting ready to swap places with the solar animatronic.
'you could at least help with some of it, you caused this you know?'
"... You know what? Fine, if it gets you to shut up at least" stomping off back into the daycare, sliding down a flight of stairs and grabbing the box of tissues from the security desks.

Walking across the daycare and finding the glorious mess of glitter glue covering the barrels, ball pits, and of course the floor. How one bottle of glue could cause such a big mess, he doesn't know.
Sighing to himself as he tosses the box of tissues behind him, since it would practically be useless against the giant puddle of mess everywhere.
"Where's the disinfectant wipes..." Eyes twitching as he mutters, as Sun replied immediately.
'security desk, 3rd drawer down! '

"Great just honestly great" fuming bitterly, turning a 180 degree and strolling his way back.

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